if copy/passe the command line to install the role (ansible-galaxy install graylog2.graylog-ansible-role ), ansible-galaxy convert the role name from uppercase to lowercase :
extracting graylog2.graylog-ansible-role to /home/ddd/git/ansible/roles/graylog2.graylog-ansible-role
graylog2.graylog-ansible-role (3.3.0) was installed successfully
* and try to use example, the role is not found as it's install in lowercase
ansible-playbook graylog.yml
ERROR! the role 'Graylog2.graylog-ansible-role' was not found in /home/ddd/git/ansible/roles:/home/ddd/git/ansible/roles:/home/ddd/git/ansible
The error appears to be in '/home/ddd/git/ansible/graylog.yml': line 45, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
It's not a big issue but it's create some confusion :
ansible-galaxy install graylog2.graylog-ansible-role
ansible-galaxy install graylog2.graylog-ansible-role
), ansible-galaxy convert the role name from uppercase to lowercase :ansible-playbook graylog.yml ERROR! the role 'Graylog2.graylog-ansible-role' was not found in /home/ddd/git/ansible/roles:/home/ddd/git/ansible/roles:/home/ddd/git/ansible
The error appears to be in '/home/ddd/git/ansible/graylog.yml': line 45, column 7, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be: