Graylog2 / graylog2-server

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Incorrect field parsing for FortiOS syslog messages with quotes #3854

Open joschi opened 7 years ago

joschi commented 7 years ago

The FortiOS syslog parser doesn't seem to handle key/value pairs with quotes correctly:

neyz commented 6 years ago


i'm experiencing the same problem which quickly fills up the Elastic Search index, slows down the system and then reach the 1000 field limit.

Full message :

<182>date=2018-02-27 time=15:34:03 devname=REDACTED devid=REDACTED logid=1059028704 type=utm subtype=app-ctrl eventtype=app-ctrl-all level=information vd=root appid=15893 user="" srcip= srcport=55303 srcintf="internal" dstip= dstport=80 dstintf="wan1" profiletype="applist" proto=6 service="HTTP" policyid=1 sessionid=1589466 applist="default" appcat="Web.Client" app="HTTP.BROWSER" action=pass hostname="" url="/R/A1MKIDQyOEZCMzlCNjJCMDRBNjJBRUIzOTY3ODI2ODJBQ0M2EgQAJQIYGK4BIgEBKgcIBBCwiNdcMgoIABDyitdcGIACOICAkGhIgICAgPr_____AQ==" msg="Web.Client: HTTP.BROWSER," apprisk=medium

Created field is :


I understand that the "=" is making graylog believe that it's a new field but shouldn't the quotes inhibit this behavior ?

eXeXiL commented 3 years ago


has there been a solution for this case? I´m also struggling to get this work..

d-a-n-d-u commented 11 months ago

Issue still present in 5.1 release.

And the problem seems to be with the syslog4j-graylog2 code that uses a both quoted and unqouted pattern for fields.