This module modifies /etc/default/java and inserts the environment variable JAVA to point to /usr/bin/java.
As of version 5 Java is included and this variable should not be set unless needed.
The workaround for this until it's fixed is to either install supported version of java och create a link to for /usr/bin/java to /usr/share/graylog-server/jvm/bin/java.
For Ubuntu-installs:
This module modifies /etc/default/java and inserts the environment variable JAVA to point to /usr/bin/java.
As of version 5 Java is included and this variable should not be set unless needed.
The workaround for this until it's fixed is to either install supported version of java och create a link to for /usr/bin/java to /usr/share/graylog-server/jvm/bin/java.