GreatOrator / TolkienCraft-3-Return-to-Middle-earth

Sequel to the much loved TolkienCraft II Modpack
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 2 forks source link

V2.0.0 - initial issues (consolidated from Discord) #87

Open TSKimball opened 4 years ago

TSKimball commented 4 years ago


Base information


From the Discord discussions this week:

1 Stable vendor in housing Dims does not have an actual 1.12 horse in the 'Prized Steed' lasso.

Fix (from coehlrich): File - world/customnpcs/markets/stable.json, change EntityHorse to minecraft:horse (line 252).

2 Some runs of the world do not (re)spawn actual horses in the stable pens. This is possibly due to my building the instance manually in MultiMC.

Workaround for now is to cheat in spawn eggs as needed. Suggestion was made to also sell these spawn eggs for 10 copper; they should be cheap as some will spawn as colts.

3 Builders for the housing are not responding to the keys that are purchased.

Turns out they are no longer sync'd to the schematics files, which will need to be re-done similar to the quest re-working. So will be a longer-term fix. Temporary workaround - break any iron doors in Creative/Admin and replace them with wooden ones. Normal vanilla claim tracking (signs etc) can be employed as needed.

4 Various other items. -> Version on start page needs updating. -> Butcher is selling a 'blank' spawn egg, probably replace that one with Rabbit (and review all of those spawn eggs to confirm they're correct). Also consider adding a Llama spawn egg. -> Starting Tinker's Broadsword has no metadata, so not doing the expected damage for an iron sword. Workaround for now is to cheat in a 'normal' all-iron sword to replace it.

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

Going to add as part of this to consolidate all of the known issues with the pack release

Teraphina commented 4 years ago

Rivendal Milestone tps you under the world.

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

Unchecked items still need to be addressed

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Chapter 3:

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Suggestion: Maybe do to Layles' tent what you did for Cromhes? Close Layles' tent when she is dead to players. It breaks immersion to see her back at the camp :P

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

Hiding comments not necessarily because they are resolved, but because I added to the checklist above to make it easier for me to keep track.

coehlrich commented 4 years ago

The Oil-covered key in the Forging Anew II in dialogue quest isn't given to the player. From what i could find it seems to be because the command run after the Forging Anew V dialogue tries to give the player the "customnpcs:npcKey2" which seems to have been removed and when looking at the quest book it requires the "tolkienmobs:item_oilykey" item

coehlrich commented 4 years ago

The repeat time key for better questing was changed so that it doesn't contain capitals and the 4 was changed to a 3 (easily fixable by removing all lines containing repeattime:3 then replacing all instances of repeatTime:4 with repeattime:3 and after doing some research it seems that this was caused by a change in vanilla minecraft since it now automatically converts resource locations to lowercase. After doing it from within the file some of my cooldowns got set to 36 hours and 0 seconds although after claiming the 0 second one it got set to 15 minutes). It also doesn't seem like better questing allows you to claim rewards from quests with no tasks (except for auto claim ones maybe?)

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

I'll take a look at both of those when I get home later today. I did notice the issue with better questing and thought I had caught all of them, but easy enough to fix those and they can be included in a pack update whereas NPC quests would require a map update and I am trying to stick to monthly updates for that because of the size of the download.

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

Alright, both fixed and will be in the next pack update.

Learius1220 commented 4 years ago

Eriador Housing Dimension has no night cycle and the large house at the back's block has an error message when using the key (and yet I made sure to use the right key, even bought a second time to make sure)

checco-01 commented 4 years ago

is there a way to reduce the nuber of npcs spawing? my pc is a bit a potato and in rivendale and bree it will freeze constantly

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

that question should have been asked in a new issue or in my discord. But yes, the configs have a spawn rate you can adjust though it only affects my spawns

checco-01 commented 4 years ago

sorry next time i will post the issue in the right section,thanks for the answer

ghost commented 4 years ago

Crash whenever rendering chunk with corrupted nbt data near X:14495 Y:43 Z:9907

GreatOrator commented 4 years ago

Please submit your own issue including the actual crash report, what you gave does not help me find the reason for the crash.

davidj2121 commented 2 years ago

i saw it addressed in your list, but the modpack still seems to have the hang up with castien that does not allow progression through the forging quest in Ch.5. Which NPC offers the dialogue to unlock the next stage?