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Table: Sorting icon should indicate sort direction #469

Open ChrisKnightLDN opened 1 month ago

ChrisKnightLDN commented 1 month ago

Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 16 52 46

jamesscottbrown commented 1 month ago

Yes, it should use unambiguous sort-direction icons like those in Font Awesome (sortAlphaUp, sortAlphaDown, sortAmountUp, sortAmountDown)/Octicons (sortAsc, sortDesc)/ Boostrap (sortAlphaUp, sortAlphaDown, sortDown, sortUp)/Flat Color (AlphabeticalSortingAz, AlphabeticalSortingAz, NumericalSorting12, NumericalSorting21)/IcoMoon (SortNumbericDesc, SortNumbericAsc, SortAlphaAsc, SortAlphaDsc) /Line Awesome (SortAlphaDownSolid, SortAlphaUpSolid, SortAmountDownSolid, SortAmountUpSolid) - not just a simple up-down arrow.

Heroicons only has arrow-up/arrow-down and chevron-up/chevron-down icons, so we'll need to use something from outside this set (either borrowed from a different icon library or drawn custom).

ChrisKnightLDN commented 1 month ago

Heroicons bars-arrow-up, bars-arrow-down