GreatestFool / crystialis

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incentivize automation of crafting #25

Open GreatestFool opened 3 years ago

GreatestFool commented 3 years ago

I'd like to keep crafting simple, so that you're not swamped by annoying microcrafting, however, I'd also like to incentivize the automation of crafting. I'm not quite certain on how to do this, but under is the first idea I've thought of at least.

  1. Decrease the yield/increase the cost when doing it manually, while either keeping it as the default or increasing yield/decreasing cost when automating. Not sure how this would be achieved, but there's probably a way. E.g. limiting the crafting recipe to a certain machine or using Masterful Machinery to achieve this.

  2. Use Masterful Machinery to create machines to do more 'complex' (in lore essentially) crafts, and limit lesser machines like Furnaces to only 'simple' crafts.

    E.g. a simple craft would be smelting cobblestone to stone or something similar. This could also tie into All The Ores, considering they provide dirty or poor variants of them. If you inhibit the use of purer versions in a furnace, for example by having it outputting less yield, you can instead use a multiblock machine to achieve higher yield.

    Alternatively, you could simply make the multiblock machine input and output from different sides, making it more annoying to do it manually without some form of automation in the picture.