As a admin, I want the ability to add a product, so that I can have different variations of product.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The admin can access an interface or form for adding a new product, including fields for entering product details such as name, description, price, and category.
[ ] The admin can specify product variations, such as size, color, or other attributes, with the ability to set different prices and stock levels for each variation.
[ ] The product addition process includes validation to ensure all required fields are completed and that data is entered correctly (e.g., price is a valid number, description is not too long).
[ ] The admin can upload and associate images with the product and its variations to enhance the product listing.
Description As a admin, I want the ability to add a product, so that I can have different variations of product.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The admin can upload and associate images with the product and its variations to enhance the product listing.
Priority Medium
Estimation Story points (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)
Definition of Done