As a customer, I want to view the Kaskada Cafe menu online, so that I can see the available food and drink options before visiting the cafe.
Acceptance Criteria
-[ ]The menu must be accessible via a link on the Kaskada Cafe homepage.
-[ ] Each item in the menu must include a name, description, and price.
-[ ] The menu should be visually appealing and easy to navigate on both desktop
Description As a customer, I want to view the Kaskada Cafe menu online, so that I can see the available food and drink options before visiting the cafe.
Acceptance Criteria -[ ]The menu must be accessible via a link on the Kaskada Cafe homepage. -[ ] Each item in the menu must include a name, description, and price. -[ ] The menu should be visually appealing and easy to navigate on both desktop
Priority Medium
Estimation Story points (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)
Definition of Done