Open coreybruce opened 2 hours ago
It's likely something from your own packaging. I know people use the AUR and I haven't heard of this.
It's likely something from your own packaging. I know people use the AUR and I haven't heard of this.
Hmm alright well I like to tackle challenges, maybe we could hopefully work this out together :smile: :stuck_out_tongue:
Here is my PKGBUILD file, as you can see it downloads the binaries for each architecture from your repositoryand put them where they need to go. Does anything on this look incorrect?
pkgdesc='Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C#'
arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64')
depends=('sdl2' 'openal')
conflicts=(ryujinx ryujinx-git)
source=("Ryujinx.desktop" "Ryujinx.svg")
source_x86_64=("$url/releases/download/$pkgver/ryujinx-$pkgver-linux_x64.tar.gz" "$url/releases/download/$pkgver/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-$pkgver-linux_x64.tar.gz")
source_aarch64=("$url/releases/download/$pkgver/ryujinx-$pkgver-linux_arm64.tar.gz" "$url/releases/download/$pkgver/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-$pkgver-linux_arm64.tar.gz")
package() {
mkdir --parents "${pkgdir}/opt"
cp --recursive "${srcdir}/publish" "${pkgdir}/opt/ryujinx"
chmod +x "${pkgdir}/opt/ryujinx/Ryujinx"
# create writable logs directory
install --directory --mode=777 "${pkgdir}/opt/ryujinx/Logs"
mkdir --parents "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
ln --symbolic "/opt/ryujinx/Ryujinx" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/Ryujinx"
ln --symbolic "/opt/ryujinx/" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/Ryujinx.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/Ryujinx.desktop"
install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/Ryujinx.svg" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/Ryujinx.svg"
install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/Ryujinx.xml" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages/Ryujinx.xml"
Frankly I don't know what any of this does.
Oh ok no problem, basically it download the zipped binaries from your repo, unzips it and puts all the files into the locations needed in Linux. Do you do any testing or work on Linux yourself at all or could tell me if those paths are correct?
This is the Ryujynx.xml file in /usr/share/mime/packages/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="application/x-nx-nca">
<comment>Nintendo Content Archive</comment>
<glob pattern="*.nca"/>
<magic><match value="NCA" type="string" offset="512"/></magic>
<mime-type type="application/x-nx-nro">
<comment>Nintendo Relocatable Object</comment>
<glob pattern="*.nro"/>
<magic><match value="NRO0" type="string" offset="16"/></magic>
<mime-type type="application/x-nx-nso">
<comment>Nintendo Shared Object</comment>
<glob pattern="*.nso"/>
<magic><match value="NSO0" type="string" offset="0"/></magic>
<mime-type type="application/x-nx-nsp">
<comment>Nintendo Submission Package</comment>
<glob pattern="*.nsp"/>
<magic><match value="PFS0" type="string" offset="0"/></magic>
<mime-type type="application/x-nx-xci">
<comment>Nintendo Switch Cartridge</comment>
<glob pattern="*.xci"/>
<magic><match value="HEAD" type="string" offset="4352"/></magic>
I do absolutely 0 work on Linux. Any Linux/macOS testing is done by everyone else. I can only do the bare minimum and check if it boots under Linux via WSL.
The XML file seems to match the one here, so it should be fine.
Ah ok that's all good, I understand, on that unrelated note of things working and booting it does run on the Raspberry Pi 5 even if the hardware doesn't technically have the ability to properly run Switch games but I managed to boot a game on it :smile:
Is there anyone who works on this that has any Linux and knowledge to help? if it matches the file then I don't know why it's working unless there is something else the package needs to do to work as that would be great to figure out.
Description of the issue
Hi there I was trying to create a AUR package for the Ryujinx-bin package using the binaries but I am having a issue with the Ryujinx.xml mime file, when I try and run the application I get this error
My package put the file in
Would you have any idea what is happening or if I did anything wrong with packaging?
Reproduction steps
Log file
Ryujinx version
Game version
No response
No response
No response
No response
List of applied mods
No response
Additional context?
No response