Green-JEONG / Web

Web 프로그래밍 학습
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[Completed] CSS(web2)_8 #10

Open Green-JEONG opened 1 month ago

Green-JEONG commented 1 month ago

1. Responsive Design

1.1 Media Query

2. Style.css

Required posture: Removing duplication

[To WebBrowser,

Please replace the CSS stored in a separate file called 'style.css' where the style tag was originally located.]

As soon as the Web browser opens the site, it downloads the necessary files, for example, '.html, .css'

2.1 Cashing

Means storing. In other words, It also can save files and save energy (speed, cost) by bringing stored results if necessary.

※ Selector and Property are the root that supports the CSS.

Green-JEONG commented 1 month ago

It took a total of 2 hours.