Green-Software-Foundation / hack

Carbon Hack 24 - The annual hackathon from the Green Software Foundation
14 stars 1 forks source link

My team name #115

Closed jawache closed 2 months ago

jawache commented 2 months ago


A brief overview of your project, 100 words max


Describe the problems the solution addresses, 200 words max


Describe what the solution actually does, 200 words max

Prize category

Specific prize category

Judging Criteria

Explain how what you built meets that judging criteria for your prize category, the below are the criteria for the Beyond Carbon prize, the criteria for your prize might be different, see the link above for details.

Overall Impact

100 words max

Educational Value

100 words max


100 words max

Video | A link to your video submission on YouTube | - Artefacts | Link to the code or content | - Usage | Link to usage instructions if applicable | - Process | Describe how you developed the solution | 150 Inspiration | Tell us what inspired you to develop the solution | 150 Challenges | Share the challenges you ran into | 150 Accomplishments | Share what you are most proud of | 150 Learners | Share what you learned while hacking | 150 What's next? | How will your solution contribute long term to the Impact Framework eco-system | 200

Summary A brief overview of your project 100 Problems Describe the problems the solution addresses 200 Application Describe what the solution actually does 200 Prize category Specific prize category and explain how what you built meets that judging criteria 200 Video A link to your video submission on YouTube - Artefacts Link to the code or content - Usage Link to usage instructions if applicable - Process Describe how you developed the solution 150 Inspiration Tell us what inspired you to develop the solution 150 Challenges Share the challenges you ran into 150 Accomplishments Share what you are most proud of 150 Learners Share what you learned while hacking 150 What's next? How will your solution contribute long term to the Impact Framework eco-system 200

Terms of Participation