Green-Software-Foundation / hack

Carbon Hack 24 - The annual hackathon from the Green Software Foundation
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Team Orora: Embodied carbon plugin #133

Open savvy-orora opened 2 months ago

savvy-orora commented 2 months ago

Prize category

Beyond Carbon


Building a simple model to calculate the emissions of any server based on this post:

Questions to be answered

I am looking into the IE Workshop video and am trying to run the sample file : "asim-static.yml". Based on Asim's input I tried to run the files, this is the error I get

ERROR [2024-03-23 11:01:39.004 PM] error: "cloud/region" parameter is expected string, received nan. Error code: invalid_type. InputValidationError: "cloud/region" parameter is expected string, received nan. Error code: invalid_type.

Following that I tried to run the watttime.yml file and saw this error :

error: endtime.diff is not a function TypeError: endtime.diff is not a function

Can someone guide me on the same? Thank you so much!

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russelltrow commented 2 months ago

@jmcook1186 are you able to help out with the error above please?

jmcook1186 commented 2 months ago

Can you please make sure your if, if-plugins and if-unofficial-plugins packages are up to date? I think you might be using an outdated version of at least one of them. @savvy-orora

You should currently be on v0.3.0 for the two plugin repos and 0.3.1 for if.

If you are using the npm packages ytou can npm i -g @grnsft/if repeat for the plugin packages). If you are using a local copy of the github repo, you cna git pull origin main in each repo.

Let me know if the problem persists.