Green-Software-Foundation / if

Impact Framework
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Epic - Exhaust Scripts #760

Closed zanete closed 2 months ago

zanete commented 3 months ago


We currently handle exporting data to yaml, csv or console using a combination of commands and manifest config. We support:

Other export formats have to be handled using plugins.

Getting the combinations of config and command correct can be quite error-prone. It's not a great user experience, and it also adds some friction to our automated testing process (as there are in-manifest differences to handle).

During the IF refactor and the hackathon we experimented with other exhaust formats, such as moving everything to dedicated exhaust plugins. However, this creates additional complexity because it introduces requirements for certain plugins to be configured and executed at specific moments during the IF execution, which feels very fragile. With plugins we can't configure the exhaust easily on the command line. Exhaust plugins also muddy the waters when it comes to the manifest file being used as an executable audit of environmental impacts. The exhaust is irrelevant to the actual numbers - it is presentation only - it just adds noise to the manifest file. Finally, with exhaust being handled by plugins, every time you want to change how your data is presented you have to execute and recalculate your whole manifest file, which is inefficient.


Our current approach, and the idea to use exhaust plugins, have several drawbacks:

Additional comments:


The proposed solution to these issues is to handle exhaust using scripts instead of plugins.

This cements IF as purely an engine for computing and communicating environmental impacts, and presentation related tasks are moved out of IF and into dedicated scripts. IF can only generate output files - any subsequent operations over that output data is handled externally to IF using dedicated scripts. This way, the manifest file is set up to become a protocol, and the outputs can be piped to any arbitrary downstream post-processing program.

We can first assert that IF outputs yaml data. This can be to a file or to the console. No additional code is required to configure this. Either the IF receives --output to trigger saving to a yaml file or it receives no output config, in which case it sumps the yaml to the console.

For exporting to other formats, let's take the example of csv-export.

Instead of being a plugin that operates during the IF execution, csv-export can become a separate script that operates on the IF output yaml data. We can refer to this script as if-csv.

if-csv can be invoked on the command line, taking an IF output file as an argument. Instead of having to create a fiddly command using a hashtag to define the parameter to export as we do today, the script can just expose its own commands to do the same thing more intuitively, for example:

if-csv -in-file <example.yml> --fields carbon --output output.csv`

The above example will export the carbon parameter from the output data in example.yml and save it to output.csv.

This can be used to run the exhaust script over an ie output without having to re-execute ie.

However, in situations where we do want to re-execute ie, we cna simply pipe ie into the if-csv script in a single command:

ie -m <manifest> --stdout | if-csv --fields carbon --output output.csv

We intend for if-csv to be bundled into the IF downlaod, but you can develop your own exhaust scripts with any arbitrary logic and use it in the same way. We'll provide some boilerplate code and a tutorial to help.

If your exhaust script requires complex configuration, it can either surface its own cli params OR, if it wants to, have its own configuration file. This keeps the IF's CLI params and manifest file clean and focused on computing manifest files.

if-run --manifest file.yaml | some-export-script --config-file config.json -some-flag true

Related Discussion


zanete commented 3 months ago

During feature sizing, the t-shirt size estimate by the team for this feature was L

zanete commented 2 months ago

Started implementation of this on the 1st of July

zanete commented 2 months ago

Implementation finished on 16th of July. Total lag time = 16 days