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Develop a set of post-training "Green Guides" #221

Open russelltrow opened 4 months ago

russelltrow commented 4 months ago


We want to help Green Software Practitioners how they can start to apply the knowledge acquired through from course.

This build upon the ideas of "Make it less developer centric" & "Make it easier to apply the knowledge gained"

"Make it easier to apply the knowledge gained"

"Make it less developer centric"


We will develop a set of post-training ebooks "Green Guides" based on the different GSP personas.

The ebook idea was inspired by

Our initial focus is on DevOps & Software Engineers.

Review the project canvas defining the Green Guides project




russelltrow commented 2 months ago

@greenhsu123 I thought perhaps we could take ideas from for how we might structure parts of the guide.

The AI generated GSE roadmap is extensive!

russelltrow commented 2 months ago

In today's project call we reviewed and finalised the project canvas:

Green Guides canvas.pdf

moin-oss commented 2 months ago

This actually looks like it overlaps somewhat with I'm curious to learn more about what people have in mind for this and how similar it is to the playbooks idea.

NAMRATA-WOKE commented 2 months ago

@russelltrow agree with @moin-oss's comment, and also want to know if this is a new project? It sounds like a new project.

russelltrow commented 2 months ago

Hi @moin-oss thank you for the question.

We see the "Green Guides" fundamentally as post training resources, they will be very short documents sent out to those who have completed the course helping them understand what to do next.

They would contain very high level guidance on things relevant to their role but viewed through a 'green lens' and also sign posting to further reading/resources. The playbooks would be a resource we would point towards.

These guides will be very high level so I don't believe overlap with the playbook content.

russelltrow commented 1 month ago

@greenhsu123 I wanted to share the discussions we had in this week's Community WG call about the Green Guides. (Sorry for the Google link)

The key points where:

russelltrow commented 1 month ago

Hey @greenhsu123 I've created a draft outline for a Green Guide:

I would love your thoughts and feedback

russelltrow commented 1 month ago

I like the approach taken by this "Greener Design Guide"

"I’m a designer — what can I do?" / Applying the Principles