Green-Software-Foundation / meetup

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Group Audit: Green Software Sao Paulo 2023-09 #99

Open adamj89 opened 1 year ago

adamj89 commented 1 year ago

Issue used for regular review of all meetup groups. This is to ensure all groups have at least one active organiser and an event plan. If not it provides an action plan to provide future guidance on the status of the group. Data to be sourced by GSF Staff from Meetup Pro

This issue type is intended for a regular review of all Green Software Foundation meetup groups. We want to ensure we maintain an active ecosystem with events taking place in-person at least every 3 months.

Where we have seen groups are inactive, for groups the GSF owns, the GSF may appoint new group organisers, either in addition to or replacing the existing organiser. Wherever possible, this is always in agreement with existing organisers. Please review the Meetup Guide for more details.

Sponsored Groups (non-GSF controlled groups) may be removed from Meetup Pro in the case of a code of conduct issue, or if inactive for more than 6 months. Again, we will always strive to discuss this with organisers first.

Category Data
Year & Month of Review 2023-09
Location Sao Paulo, Brazil
Group Membership 63
Average RSVPs 4
Upcoming events 0 scheduled, 1 in planning, no issue
Active Group? NO
Active Organisers NO - but Adam has been in discussion
Organiser GitHub Handles @marcoshidalgonunes

Where the group is active...

Upcoming events

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Where the group is inactive...

adamj89 commented 1 year ago

Tagging @Sealjay here for visibility.