Green-Software-Foundation / opensource-wg

GSF Open Source WG
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OSWG KPIs #118

Closed Sophietn closed 1 month ago

Sophietn commented 6 months ago

OSWG 2024 KPIs

1) Increase Contributors

2) Increase Adopters

3) Identify a new project centered around AI for Green Software

3) Identify 2 Foundation to collaborate with.

The GSF's Tooling pillar OKRs are

Objective - Improve the Tooling the GSF provides | How 1 | Increase the number of projects |   Key Result 1 Leading | (A representative from) 1/3rd (20) of our member organisations attend at least one Hatch call in 2024 - measured by attendees on Zoom call Currently at = NA hatch calls haven't started

Key Result 2 Lagging | 10 new projects launched in 2024 - measured by new projects proposed on OC repo Currently at = 4 (students, 2 GreenAI proposals, policy manual)

How 2 | Nurture our current projects into a healthier state |   Key Result 1 Leading | 95 Participants across all our repos per month - measured at next.ossinsight Currently at = 110   Key Result 2 Lagging | Oldest Open PR across all our project repos is 100 days old - measured on github Currently at = 602 (Awesome Green Software)

Project KPIs



Sophietn commented 6 months ago

1) Increase contributors:

To measure this - sum total of all our contributors across all our projects

2) Increase adopters of our projects everywhere:

To measure this - difficult to measure, we'll rely on PL sharing this information One proxy is the number of forks

Actions @Sophietn check with hackathon team on whats next copy PLs to update their files with up to date opportunities for volunteers to contribute @Sophietn to speak with CA SDK PL about how we confirmed SDK public adopters

Sophietn commented 6 months ago

Namrata's thoughts after Sophie filled her in on 3rd April