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[Project Update] Carbon CI Pipeline Tooling #49

Open seanmcilroy29 opened 1 year ago

seanmcilroy29 commented 1 year ago

Carbon CI Pipeline Tooling

Fergus Kidd (Avanade)

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue is stale and will be closed at the next working group, because it has been open for 30 days with no activity. Remove ready-for-close label or comment to keep this going.

FergusKidd commented 1 year ago

No major updates - regular syncs will restart on Friday. One issue raised about a contradiction in the terms which I will address.

FergusKidd commented 1 year ago

By editing the contribution file - but any suggestions on the wording welcome

dtoakley-tw commented 1 year ago

Fergus update: not too much to update due to the holidays. There are some events to speak at in the new year. Working on visuals to tell the story. Someone did a Youtube livestream of the project, and wants to get involved.

Pipeline is ready to use, but we need to better understand how much individual compute components are consuming energy/emissions in the cloud. Also want to improve how the information is displayed to users.

seanmcilroy29 commented 1 year ago

We spoke about carbon pipeline with Amadeus, and I have a session in the making with Mastercard’s sustainability team. We have identified a real application deployment which has terraform and bicep to calculate on rather than using the single static machine for testing. Next steps we are dedicated to are better visualisation, bicep support, and integration with the carbon aware SDK.

dtoakley-tw commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd -- if you have any updates, please share then here for the OS WG :)

Sealjay commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd mentioned potentially extending this project to measure on-premise carbon in the CICD pipeline

FergusKidd commented 1 year ago

Update: Since the name change of the repository I no longer have access to the security tools needed to update the repository secrets, @seanmcilroy29 could you possibly re-elevate my access?

We have a request come in for nested ARM template support, we have a need for devs with ARM and golang skills to address this.

Willmish commented 1 year ago

Adding to this ^: As an example @tcostantini wanted to contribute by adding terraform file support, and has contributed that feature. However until we get a strong enough interest in the project it might stay. Maybe we could look for a brain storming session how to extend interest in this?

Sealjay commented 1 year ago

Reminder @FergusKidd if you cannot attend

FergusKidd commented 1 year ago

Won't be in attendance today, however raising this again as I think I messed up with an update when there wasn't a meeting:

Update: Since the name change of the repository I no longer have access to the security tools needed to update the repository secrets, @seanmcilroy29 could you possibly re-elevate my access?

We have a request come in for nested ARM template support, we have a need for devs with ARM and golang skills to address this.

seanmcilroy29 commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd - Just checked, and it looks like you should have access to the repository

FergusKidd commented 1 year ago

I think I may need some elevated access, here is the options I see under security, vs what I see in my own repos

Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 15 59 10 Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 15 59 15
Sealjay commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd gave an update to OSS WG:

Moving forward, but participation is dropping. Looking for others - energy usage, and nested composition are next steps.

Sealjay commented 1 year ago

Adding @newfunda

dtoakley-tw commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd -- if you can give an update on this project when you get a chance, that would be great.

dtoakley-tw commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd update: been in touch with the Green Coding Berlin team, who are working on solving similar problems, specifically focused on Github Actions. Wondering if it's a good fit for the GSF to look after that product - gut feeling is that it might be a good fit. They are some nice visualizations for example -- will report back on this conversation next meeting.

@dtoakley-tw -- idea for a future call -- could do a demo of their tool in a future meeting.

@Sealjay -- if they want to donate the project, they will need to be a GSF member. But contributions can still happen via the DCO if not a member.

FergusKidd commented 1 year ago

Update - I will work with Green Coding Berlin to find the best way to integrate their contributions to the project in the most beneficial way.

Sealjay commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd to work with Arne and Green Coding Berlin (GCB) to see how we can advance the Carbon CI Pipeline tooling and merge in or accept contribution of the GCB projects which are in the same space.

dtoakley-tw commented 1 year ago

@FergusKidd --

FergusKidd commented 10 months ago

Update - calls to restart on 27 / 9 / 2023 - opened a pull request to add this to the calendar, and a discussion board here in case this time is not suitable. If you would like to be added to the weekly cadence, simply react to this post, or add a comment on the discussion above. Thanks

FergusKidd commented 9 months ago

No major update - awaiting information on if UCL project to work on this was accepted, should know within the week. Planning to do a bit of a recruitment / reinvigoration campaign on LinkedIn

Sophietn commented 8 months ago

@FergusKidd Please can you add an update here ahead of the OSWG later today.

Sophietn commented 7 months ago

@FergusKidd Late reminder but please can you add an update here ahead of the OSWG later today.

rubydickinson19 commented 6 months ago

Update from @FergusKidd in OSWG on 2024 01 09:

Sophietn commented 1 month ago

Motion raised to the WG Chairs to archive the project