Green-Software-Foundation / patterns

An online open-source database of software patterns reviewed and curated by the Green Software Foundation across a wide range of categories.
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Create new patterns from the Azure Well-Architected Framework Sustainability Pillar #108

Open dubrie opened 2 years ago

dubrie commented 2 years ago

Describe the pattern you'd like to propose Azure just released their well architected framework for sustainability with a lot of good options for green software patterns. The guidance all connects back to the green software foundation and the green software principles so there is already a lot of good alignment.

Describe specific emission impact from this pattern Various, depending on the specific guidance.

References to this pattern

Additional context Will need to pull the detail from the Azure WAF page into pattern definitions

dubrie commented 2 years ago

I believe @yelghali was going to ingest at least some of these patterns

markus-gsf-seidl commented 1 year ago

I took the liberty to extract the headings (~~ patterns) from Azures page.

May still need some time to see if we have them already in the catalog (help needed!) I do like their split, maybe this would be a good sub-split for the cloud part @aoifefitton ( Application design, platform, testing, ...)
