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[Agenda Item] Audit our current 'graduated' projects #23

Closed Sealjay closed 7 months ago

Sealjay commented 1 year ago


Current projects don't actually meet our current criteria of graduated. Let's discuss which projects we "think" are graduated, and then assign someone to do an audit to see what's missing.

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Sealjay commented 1 year ago

@jawache moved from email

tmcclell commented 1 year ago

Graduated (released versions, mature enough to be useful) projects - SCI, Carbon Aware SDK, Principles Training (Certificate of Completion), Patterns v1, Awesome Green Software. Incubation definition - Alpha version. Proposed that Oleg will come back with a list of criteria for graduated (released). Approved by OC

Sealjay commented 1 year ago

Adding the guidelines:

tmcclell commented 1 year ago

Discussion around Project Incubation Exit criteria. Proposal is to create a Issue template with exit criteria checklist - flag issues for exceptions or change in criteria. @Oleg-Zhymolokhov to create issues around exiting graduated projects for feedback. Process to come out through digest for overall feedback. @jawache - ideas for celebration on graduation - possible swag. Keep on agenda for next month.

Willmish commented 1 year ago

For celebrating incubated projects - suggested swag or release parties (similar to how we ran workshops during the CarbonHack for CA SDK)? @danuw I remember you mentioning holding one for the CA SDK, maybe we could make that a thing after all

tmcclell commented 1 year ago

@Oleg-Zhymolokhov to create issues around exiting graduated projects for feedback. Process to come out through digest for overall feedback.

jawache commented 1 year ago

Hey @tmcclell / @seanmcilroy29 and @Sealjay - this should be the top priority of the OC. We've got currently 0 graduated projects and yet we treat some projects differently than others. That's unfair.

This group has to come up with the process, can we put this to the top of the agenda and make it number one on an ongoing basis?


Willmish commented 11 months ago

We discussed during #52 meeting to Re-work the Exit Criteria for an Incubated project. Here is the initial list of items to consider collected by @Henry-WattTime during the meeting:

-Complete and useable -Meets project objective -Actively maintained and developed -Project lead and manager assigned and actively supporting -Documentation of project -Separate checklist for legal compliance -License -Trademark check -[...]

russelltrow commented 11 months ago

Doing a little research I came across a concise set of 'adoption' requirements from the Academy Software Foundation (ASWF):

Adopted Stage projects are considered mature projects that generally are ready for production use. Projects at this stage focus on growing an ecosystem of users and are often being leveraged in vendor products or used by end-users.

russelltrow commented 11 months ago

I've moved the existing exit criteria to Confluence so we can more easy collaborate on them:

Sophietn commented 9 months ago

Graduation Acceptance criteria (renaming of Incubation exit criteria) has been updated. This was approved by the OC async via email, and added to the OC website through an update to the whole 'Software' Project Lifecycle via this pull request #64 Updates to 'Document' Project Lifecycle to follow. Lifecycle stage is being discussed at GSF PM <> PL level, and mature projects are working towards fulfilling the new criteria, and achieving the 'Graduated' Lifecycle Stage. OC will be notified to review, once projects are ready.