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[Project Donation] Green Software Playbooks #78

Closed moin-oss closed 3 months ago

moin-oss commented 5 months ago

Project Title: Green Software Playbooks

Donating Body

Indeed is the donating company and is a current member of the Green Software Foundation.

Reason for Donation

The reason for this donation is that the project aligns heavily with current GSF projects, such as the Green Software Patterns, Green Maturity Matrix, and Organisation usage of Software Emissions in terms of providing guidance to developers on improving the sustainability of their software. Given the project's focus, it fills gaps between the other projects listed, and is therefore a natural fit.

Related Project documentation repos, issues or discussions

Current status of the project with some context can be found here:

Project Maturity

1; remained in the proof of concept stage at Indeed


Guides for developers looking to green their projects.


This project is aimed at providing engineering teams at ICT companies the means to determine and make progress towards ensuring their products and practices are built and managed as sustainably as possible. Guidance and recommendations will be categorized based on the type of work the team is engaged in.


"Take every opportunity you get." - Grayne Wetzky


The primary audience is teams of developers and engineers at ICT companies, regardless of size or organization. In particular, development leads and project managers should be able to use the guides to determine what practices and recommendations would make the most sense to follow and provide the most benefit for the effort. Making development teams aware of this resource will be important to its usefulness. This project would be appropriate for any conference aimed at improving development processes and, particularly, sustainable development conferences aimed at helping engineers make their products run cleaner.

ToC This project should support both the knowledge and culture pillars. The knowledge pillar is improved by expanding the awareness of practices that developers can follow and make use of to improve the sustainability of their products. The tech culture pillar is improved by making it easier for leads and managers to ensure that their products and made and maintained sustainably, and thus making it easier for other teams to follow their lead.


Operating Model


Problems this project aims to address:

Parallel projects view this problem either at a very granular level (such as the Green Software Patterns), or at a very high level (such as the Green Maturity Matrix), making it difficult for development teams to easily identify and implement changes or improvements. This project aims to meet developers where they are at in their day to day work.


In order to enable and empower developers to be agents of change and improvement when it comes to creating a culture of sustainability, having a clear set of recommendations and procedures that they can understand and implement will go a long way in helping create it. In particular, having a set of guides that are tailored to teams with a specific purpose, such as data engineers, application developers, data scientists, or devops will make it much easier for a specific team member, team lead, or project manager to implement those changes within that team. The guides will ideally be able to differentiate between changes that involve a great deal of developer effort, or those that can be made relatively easily, while also being able to identify those changes that will be the most impactful in terms of sustainability. This will help teams solve each of the problems mentioned in the previous section.


The ultimate test of whether this project will have achieved its aims is if any development or engineering team at any company can find a guide applicable to the work that they are doing, and be able to make changes following the guide that show a measureable improvement in the sustainability of their work.


Sophietn commented 5 months ago

Hi Mohammad @moin-oss

Thank you for submitting a proposal to donate Indeed's Rubics project to the Green Software Foundation's Community Working Group, with the new title Green Software Playbooks.

You can view our donation process, including the acceptance criteria and approval process on the Oversight Committee website's Donating a Project page.

You have nominated the Community Working Group as the Working Group who will be the approving body in the decision. The project will be a Document Project type, operating under consensus governance.
@russelltrow is the Community Working Group's Project Manager, so will be the project's associated GSF PM, if approved. For visibility, to aid the Community WG in making their decision, I'm copying over questions you answered in our email thread with @NAMRATA-WOKE late last year. Please correct me if the answers have changed.

  1. Can you share a bit more information about the project? To give you some background, the rubrics project is intended to be a set of guides that developers can follow to make their products more sustainable. The goal is to have a set of rubrics, along with guides, that are tailored to specific types of development. To go into a little bit of depth, we came up with the following list of categories of ICT tools: software as a service (which includes webapps, daemons, and data science/AI), and infrastructure as a service (which includes CI/CD, caches, task managers, databases, and event streaming). The plan is to create rubrics that list actions that developers can take within each category and categorize them by developer effort (low, medium, high).

  2. If/when the project is donated, is Indeed intending to lead/maintain this project? Yes, we can maintain and lead development of the project if/when the project is donated.

  3. Is any Indeed IP embedded in the Project, as any submission must be released? There is no Indeed IP in the project.

  4. Which license does the project sit under? As this is primarily documentation-driven, we have not looked into licensing the product.

Next steps:

atg-abhishek commented 4 months ago

Hi @russelltrow - I'm unable to access the linked GDoc, could someone grant me access? I've requested it.

russelltrow commented 3 months ago

Project donation was formally approved: