Green-Software-Foundation / scer

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UC: Category Optimization #65

Open jawache opened 1 month ago

jawache commented 1 month ago

Since a rating is linked to a category of products, and the selection of which category a product lives in is mostly subjective (is AirTable a Database or a Spreadsheet? Is Grammarly an AI Copilot or a Word Processor?), you might re-categorize your product into one where your rating for the same score is more favorable.

This is also challenging. How do we decide the buckets without information? New products come on the market with overlapping feature sets, which makes comparison very challenging.



chrisxie-fw commented 1 week ago

This is related to the definition of the 1st step of the SCER specification: Categorization - what does Categorization mean? What constitute a software category? What are the key aspects or components that a category of software or AI models is composed of, so that apples are compared with apples, not oranges? The base SCER spec identified a number of key aspects/components of a software categorization, such as purpose, function, platform, end user. The SCER for LLMs spec identified a number of aspects as well, such as model type (text, image, voice, etc), parameter size (3b, 7b, etc), use/tasks (multi model etc).

The implementers of SCER framework may decide what a category will concretely be. For example, in the case of, users can choose which LLMs to issue the prompt to, and a SCER rating/labeling can be returned based on all the prompts the user has issued to whatever types of LLMs (llama2, llama3, mistral, gemma, tinyllama etc).
