Green-Software-Foundation / sci-guide

Open Data project will provide all the necessary data sources that can be used as inputs for the SCI standard, for free.
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[PM] Project plan & meeting notes #20

Closed dohafernandez closed 1 year ago

dohafernandez commented 2 years ago

Link to the docusaurus: Link to editor: Srini FAQ

How to point people to the exact data set

Eg. - data explorer Boavitza - have the data in a common format

(Emissions of a managed database)


Srini's suggestion

Where: E = Energy consumed by a software system (ie. How much electricity did it use) I= Location-based marginal carbon emissions (ie. How much of the energy came from renewable/low carbon sources) M = Embodied emissions of a software system (ie. How much hardware did you use (M)) R = Functional unit (e.g. carbon per additional user, API-call, ML job, etc)


Goal: Unifying framework for data set

jawache commented 2 years ago

Process for approval -> PR to add content into main branch -> Initial review if its correct by one other team member. -> Technical author review. -> Standards workgroup review (2 week comment and review, if no objections auto merge) -> Merge PR

dohafernandez commented 2 years ago

Link to the docusaurus: Link to editor: Srini FAQ

Question: how to link the data into the page from external parties like Boavitza

Comments Navveen Balani: We can start with FAQ to unblock people. Secondly, we could look at how to build a unified data model, sourced from multiple providers

Srini: Process for review needs to be different than patterns because anyone reviewing it might not have additional information compared to Navveen and Srini.

This is a Maintainer based project for now.

This project will sit under Standard's working group that will review it. So PR will be reviewed during the meetings.

Start the process to get the standard working group to review.

Srini is OOO until 11th October

dohafernandez commented 2 years ago

The approach is to add all the information and then structure the navigation.

@srini1978 tasks:

@Navveen tasks:

@dohafernandez task:

Some will be FAQs and some will be data sets

Carbon api -

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

On behalf of @srini1978 I have made edits to the SCI open data page based on our discussion - created a kind of hierarchy Consolidated all changes for "E" and deployed it

@navveenb Please review

navveenb commented 1 year ago

I have added details and structure to I, M and R and added more details for E.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

Structure and content is already there and now the next step is iteration. We need technical edit review and add details and resources.

@navveenb: its ready for COP but needs a bit of polishing. We need a welcome page explaining how to navigate and use the open data and calculate. Simple use cases to show the navigation.

@srini1978 to review it and suggest edits but based on what we are seeing today, he doesnt believe it will need any restructuring. Just polishing.

Discussion regarding the review process. Standards working group is on Thursday. Navveen suggests adding it to the SWG's agenda.

@jawache questions for you: Where does this project lie, whether its open source or standards WG? How much time does the SWG need to review?


Navveen 24,25,26 OOO

navveenb commented 1 year ago

Created Getting started page and populated contents -

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

On behalf of @navveenb

Quick updates – I have created the Getting Started Page - which provide details on how to use the SCI Data and a sample use case for SCI score calculation which uses the SCI Open Data contents. Added more details and structure for E, I, M and R

Srini, please review and feel free to edit and commit to the document.

We are in good shape for SCI Open Data and mostly all contents are available.

As a next step, once Srini completes the review, we can involve a technical writer for technical edits and format changes.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

I have reached out to Catherine, the technical writer to confirm her availability to do the edits. She is currently OOO so I will update here once I have a response.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

Catherine is available and will take 1 week to work on this. What format can she access to edit it? She says she cant access our GH repo @jawache

zanete commented 1 year ago

@dohafernandez as we spoke today in the retro, what would be needed for Catherine to be able to create a GitHub account and give us her username so we can add her to the repo? Is there something standing in the way of that?

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

@zanete I asked her to clarify why she hasnt been able to access GH. Waiting for her response and will let you know as soon as I hear back. My understanding is that she has used GH before. Lets see what she says. Would be great to have on board so we can tag her in tasks as well.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago


Update: There is a SCI FAQ that has been started by the Standard working group. We need a consensus view by the SWG on what they want to happen with the FAQ and the SCI open data project. If the projects are merged, there needs to be clarity on what & where content is allowed to be added. Srini and Navveen will join the SWG call tomorrow Thursday 20th to discuss.

Review process:

Next steps

cc @jawache

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

Copied the content from SCI Data site into this google doc. Catherine will start editing the document with Thursday 27th deadline to complete.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

@srini1978 & @navveenb the editor has edited the copy in the doc

Can either of you please review the document and accept/reject changes?

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

Outcome of the SWG meeting is to have a call with Henry to discuss the Guidance & Open data set project and how to merge the two projects and what will be kept separate. The Guidance project will contain all of the current content but we will decide what to keep in the SCI Open data.

Need Clarification

Next Steps

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

NEXT WEEK: Guidance as a subproject within standards

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

Meeting notes from call 23-Nov: Struggle getting people to 2 sub domains. Most/all content will be moved to guidance and we will rename the page to Guidance and delete the other one (empty guidance page). Note: Srini would like to have a separate location for data sources at a later point The Universal Software Carbon Measurement can become the one trusted source for data and maybe the data sources can be a part of this project.

Could be a next year's hackathon project. Asim to mention this in the SWG.

@srini1978 to create the skeleton for the review process.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

@srini1978 @navveenb I have copied all the content over. Please review it. The order of the subfolders doesnt match the order in which the document is set out in. I dont know how to rearrange it. Can you please help me with that. We also need to add a folder named 'Review Process" please.

dohafernandez commented 1 year ago

Meeting notes from call 1-Dec:

@srini1978 @navveenb