Green-Software-Foundation / sci-guide

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What about Carbon footprint of data transmission, and client visualization ? Scope 3 owned by client? #39

Open DanVazSan opened 1 year ago

DanVazSan commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for excellent job

Couple of questions ( probably silly as i am a newcomer)

1.- Do you categorize data transmission, AV flood review, DNS, etc all intermediate services as non important or will you complete the model looking for End to End Carbon perspective

2.- Same question about ammount of cost of data processing and visualization in End user device.

Thanks for your time

srini1978 commented 1 year ago

Data transmission consumes energy as well as there are embodied emissions associated with the setup of the networking infrastructure.

Hence networking or data transmission contributes to both E and M. If you have an application transmitting data over the wire to either a database or even passing the information to the end user, there are associated emissions.

Many research projects have happened in this area and we have captured some references here .

All the other things that you have mentioned around cost of data transmission, visualization in end user device are all part of software boundaries defined in the SCI specification and hence will have to be included in the SCI calculations.

Love to hear your thoughts and any approaches to simplify.

Please refer case study here - where we have included these calculations for carbon calculations.

FYI @DanVazSan @navveenb