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Global search for the website #167

Closed Oleg-Zhymolokhov closed 1 year ago

Oleg-Zhymolokhov commented 1 year ago

Parent issue: #129

Create a search by words.

zanete commented 1 year ago

@Oleg-Zhymolokhov what is the priority of this? Post-Launch?

Oleg-Zhymolokhov commented 1 year ago

@zanete yes, this is post-launch

osamajandali commented 1 year ago

I was able to add this before the launch, and it's already live on the website. Please take a look at it.

Oleg-Zhymolokhov commented 1 year ago

@osamajandali I just made several tests and came across this behaviour:


First insight contains this word, but the two others do not contain "Zong" at all.

osamajandali commented 1 year ago

@Oleg-Zhymolokhov, I have enabled Typo Tolerance which will treat "zong" as if you meant to type "long". As a result, the second search result contains the word "long", so that it appears in the search. Currently, I disabled this feature, so Zong now will only return 1 result, please re-test and let me know if the results are better after disabling it

Oleg-Zhymolokhov commented 1 year ago

@osamajandali thanks, let's keep it off. I'd say it's counter-intuitive when you search for something and you get results that do not contain the exact words.