GreenCrowDev / hoodie

Hoodie is a plugin for Godot Engine 4 that offers a visual scripting interface for generating procedural geometry.
MIT License
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Right-click to add nodes #8

Closed SirLich closed 5 months ago

SirLich commented 5 months ago

If possible, I think it would be great to match as closely as possible the Godot Shader editor in terms of UX. Right-click to add nodes is also something that's also common in other node systems I've used (geometry nodes, UE blueprints, etc).

Also another UX hint: I think it would be great if the 'Hoodie' editor (on the bottom) would always remain there, instead of disappearing. This would allow navigating back to Hoodie easily, if you clicked off the node for some reason. By default you can just re-focus the last node you were editing.

In a best case scenario of course you would have some utility to switch between edited hoodie meshes.