GreenInfo-Network / Stanford-BOE2017

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Overview of prj needs #3

Closed AmandaGIN closed 6 years ago

AmandaGIN commented 6 years ago

CLIENT REQUEST (from 1/5/18 email):

  1. Lat/long (two variables)
  2. FIPS GeoID2 (State, County, Tract) (One variable)
  3. Separate measures/variables: County FIPS code, County Name, Tract Code, Tract Name (four variables total),
  4. Jurisdiction: 1) Whether or not store is located in an incorporated city/town. If yes, city/town information (one variable): 2) FIPS code (one variable) & 3) name – with the word “City” (“San Diego City”) “Town” etc. in the entry. If not in an incorporated area, then jurisdiction will be county name, with the word “County” in entry (“San Diego County”) (One variable).
  5. Distance to nearest K-12 public school: 1) Euclidean distance in miles to nearest school buffer (one variable), 2) roadway distance in miles to nearest school using school address point (one variable). Do not need distance to school centroid.
  6. CDSCode for nearest school (one variable)
  7. Census tract data, using most recent ACS 5-yr estimates (2012-2016). Count/income/value (not SEs) measures for: Total population Total population age 0-17 Total population age 5-17 Total population age 18-20 Total population age 21-24 Total population African American (one race) non-Hispanic Total population Asian (one race) non-Hispanic Total population Pacific Islander (one race) non-Hispanic Total population White (one race) non-Hispanic Total population American Indian/Alaskan Native (one race) non-Hispanic Total population other race (one race) non-Hispanic Total population multiple races non-Hispanic Total population Hispanic Median Household Income (not a count, the median) Total population below poverty level Total population <185% of poverty level Total number of households Land area in square miles

For the above count items, will need corresponding “totals” so percentages can be computed.

Create 1/2 mile service area (roadway) store centered buffers for all mappable stores. For each buffer, generate the above census data, weighted proportionally when buffers intersect multiple census tracts. If store centered buffer cannot be created, please retain store in data set and have a variable indicating not able to create store centered buffer. It is my understanding that a few stores will not be able to have buffers created due to issues with roadway maps.

Link school data and BOE 2017 data. This file will be a separate record for each school. For each school:

  1. Number of BOE retailers within ½ mile Euclidean distance of school boundary
  2. Identify by BOE license number for stores are within ½ mile of school boundary. Some schools will have zero stores within ½ mile, others one or two, and others many more. Separate cell (column) for each store, with store license numbers listed from nearest to farthest (Store1 = closest, Store2 = 2nd closest, etc.) yielding “Store#” blank for many cases.
AmandaGIN commented 6 years ago

Request 1, 2 and 3 are available via #1 .