GreenInfo-Network / Stanford-BOE2017

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School Attributing #7

Closed AmandaGIN closed 6 years ago

AmandaGIN commented 6 years ago

Need to find the number of BOE 2017 retailers within 1/2 mile of each school boundary.

Using CSCD_2016 - (Feature Class: Schools_Current_Stacked) Buffer 1/2 mile Euclidean distance of each boundary.

Initial File: 10,284 Removed: Preschool (82), Adult (158) Level <> 'Adult' AND Level <> 'Preschool' RESULTS 10,044 P:\proj_p_s\Stanford_PRC\BOE_2017\data\Schools\CSCD_2016_publicSchools_K12.shp

AmandaGIN commented 6 years ago

Buffer Schools 0.5 miles (use buffer tool in toolbox to retain attributes of school), did not dissolve barriers between features, only buffered outside. P:\proj_p_s\Stanford_PRC\BOE_2017\data\Schools\CSCD_2016_publicSchools_K12_BufferHalfMile.shp

AmandaGIN commented 6 years ago

ArcToolBox- Analysis Tools - Overlay - Spatial Join Target: CSCD_2016_publicSchools_K12_BufferHalfMile.shp Join Features: BOE2017_2018_01_17.shp P:\proj_p_s\Stanford_PRC\BOE_2017\data\Schools\CSCD_2016_publicSchools_K12_BufferHalfMileBOE2017.shp JOIN_ONE_TO_MANDY Match Option: INTERSECT

AmandaGIN commented 6 years ago

Set a definition query to remove schools with no retailers in half mile: "LicenseNum" <>0

[70,973 records reduced to 69,157; confirmed that 1,816 schools have no retailer within 1/2 mile]

Summarize on CDS_uniq code, return the count (number of retailers in the 1/2 mile). The results of 8,228 schools have a range from 0 - 98 retailers within 1/2 mile radius. P:\proj_p_s\Stanford_PRC\BOE_2017\data\Schools\ByCSCD_BOEcount.dbf

Joined the table back to the schools file: P:\proj_p_s\Stanford_PRC\BOE_2017\data\Schools\CSCD_2016_publicSchools_K12.shp

Checked various schools manually - for proper number of retailers in the 1/2 mile distance.