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Assess impact of IG API changes #665

Closed danrademacher closed 6 years ago

danrademacher commented 6 years ago details major changes to the IG API that came unannounced earlier this week and have clobbered the ability of CaliParks to load most IG photos.

Let's post findings here about the new limitations and their implications for the site. This is not yet a "fix it" task since we're not sure it can be fixed.

gregallensworth commented 6 years ago

Item one: development of scrapers is no longer possible


As such, further scraping of photos is no longer feasible, even if interest and funding existed.

danrademacher commented 6 years ago

A previous version of the site featured Flickr photos as well (before we assumed control of the code and data). I wonder if those old Flickr photos are still present in the database and might represent an alternative source of images. As far as I know, Flickr's API remains usable for things like harvesting, though the platform is much less widely used than IG, so hard to know how much new content one would get there.

Could you take a look in the dbase and see if there's a table of flickr images tied to CPAD ids?

gregallensworth commented 6 years ago

CDN URL changes

It would appear that Instagram has either restricted usage of their CDN and/or changed the URLs of prior photos as well, as all photos are now giving an "Access denied" message.

This does not use any API, merely requesting previously-public photos via their CDN URL.

Perusing some Instagram user pages today and using my debugger on the photos, it seems that the URL formats being used today are indeed quite different.

A Specific Test Case

One test case, a photo previously linked to Golden Gate Park (Superunit ID 10900)

Photo URL with frame:

Old URLs, not working:

New URL:

Looking Forward

In theory, one could go over all photos in the database and:

Challenges may include:

gregallensworth commented 6 years ago

Feasibility of reprogramming to show Flickr photos instead of Instagram


DB table: flickr_photos

Front Page Photos

Photos for a Specific Park

Other Usages of instagram_photos TBD

gregallensworth commented 6 years ago
gregallensworth commented 6 years ago
danrademacher commented 6 years ago

Flickr photos looking good. Will open separate issue for FAQ update