Closed danrademacher closed 1 year ago
This seems like a composite task between data, code, and display.
Some things we need to figure out:
Mike's conceptual presentation:
It basically boils down to this:
Seems like we'll need to pull Tim in for some of this!
Moving the popup could be a lot harder than it sounds. This gets into tricky internals related to converting map coordinates to pixel coordinates, and I could see that being very difficult to get right for all scenarios at all zoom levels. In short, it feels very much like something we should not try to improve on. Unless (and I think you alluded to this) we move the "popup" off the map completely, i.e. to a sidebar or something.
For campuses in general I was assuming these would either share the same ID (e.g. single row) or have a new "Campus ID" that we can use to link multiple rows together.
Agreed about the popup -- it either stays where it is or becomes a fixed location panel or drawer or something.
For the campus building shapes, I was hoping we would find the following and that the data would already support better behavior once we design what that should be:
with one set of values for all buildings, including some >1 value for numbuildings
with the same buildingid
, where the count of rows in this table would be equivalent to the value in numbuildings
. Essentially, these are child records.What I actually found is not like that at all:
This query on this data
SELECT id,numbuildings FROM public.seattle_buildings_2021_update where numbuildings > 0 ORDER by numbuildings DESC
But then we look at the Building outlines and that ID has only a single record!
And in fact if we run this query:
SELECT buildingid,count(buildingid) FROM public.seattle_building_outlines_2021 group by buildingid order by count(buildingid) DESC
It appears the max number of buildings we have with the same foreign key to the building energy table is 3.
This cmapusissue seems like much more of a data hairball than a deisgn or UI challenge...
Multiple rows with the same OSE id in the benchmark data makes sense because there are multiple years of data. And I'd only expect one corresponding id in the outlines table. Not sure why there's multiples of any ids there
Ah multiple years in the energy table makes sense.
For the building outlines, I assumed that an energy table row with 111 buildings might have 111 outlines.
If there's only ever 1 record in the footprints table, would we expect campuses to have multipolygons?
That's what I was thinking. And that's really the simplest approach that fits with the existing setup. But if he wants to support a campus that's comprised of multiple OSE ids, then we'll need some new field to identify them, like campus_id or something
Looking at ID 49967, it's the lotline of UW, not one or 111 buildings:
But then 22062 with 39 buildings is Seattle University, and that looks like this:
Just a single building.
OK, here's our answer:
Mike and the intern output this XLSX report to show parent buildings, but the really important thing is that there exists a ParentBuildingId
This is what Mike says:
One other thing – I added an Excel file to Sharepoint called “Campus Relationships”. This file should hopefully be a bit of a Rosetta Stone for the traditional campus properties (i.e. with Parent-Child relationships in EPA Portfolio Manager) that are the most problematic from the perspective of the viz (e.g. UW, Seattle U, hospitals).
In Portfolio Manager, property owners can create individual “child” building records with their own use attributes (addresses, square footage, lat lot, property type, etc…) and then associate them with “parent” records where use attributes and energy data all roll up. Parent records may or may not actually be logged in our database as “campus” records under the record type field. These parent properties are distinct from the ones where owners create a single EPA PM record for a property and just specify within that there happen to be 5 buildings; each child record in Portfolio Manager/our database has useful information associated with it.
We can walk through this in more detail next check in, but a couple points:
- The ParentBuildingId field of the Child records allows us to see what Parent Record the child is associated with.
- Child Properties may actually be benchmarked independently of the parent record they correspond to. That seems to be the case with those miscellaneous independent UW property records you can see in the viz. In the screen shot below, you can see South Seattle College - Cascade Hall has it’s own EPABuildingID – that would suggest it’s benchmarked independently. (You can also check the “EPAParticipationStatusFlag” to the same effect). While there is a “South Seattle College – Campus Master ID” Record, Cascade Hall is benchmarked independently.
- My hope is that by referencing the Lat/Lon, addresses, and names of the child records, we can pinpoint which building footprints are and are not part of each property benchmarked as a campus, and properly visually represent them.
- The Tabs are pretty self-explanatory, but please feel free to reach out with any questions
Given that this is a database relationship with simple primary and foreign keys, I am not sure why we would resort to using "Lat/Lon, addresses, and names of the child records" to figure out relations. And I wonder if instead of retaining this at the benchmark data level, we should instead push it through to the Building Footprint level, such that when someone clicks a building on the map, we select that building, then check if it has ParentBuildingId
and if so, select all the records that have that same ID and load the benchmarking data from teh parent record.
One element that throws me for a loop here is this:
Child Properties may actually be benchmarked independently of the parent record they correspond to.
OK, so what do we do with those? Maybe we have to instead (1) check if a building has benchmarking data and if so load it and ignore other buildings it might be connected to, since it is reported separately. (2) if not, look for a parent ID then load the parent's benchmark data and highlight all outlines with the same parent ID
We'd also need to rework other parts of the code to color code campus building members based on their parent building, rather than just showing them as if they have no data.
Ah, maybe the issue for "Lat/Lon, addresses, and names of the child records" is that we do not have outlines of all of these buildings associated with an existing BuildingId
so we can't just join on that.
Trying to wrap my head around some of the implications here...
All of this assumes
No change, everything operates as before
in the main benchmarking sheet? Or are there campuses that we display on the map but that don't have dataI wonder if there's not an easier way to set this up, by somehow including all child data directly in the "parent" table
I wonder if there's not an easier way to set this up, by somehow including all child data directly in the "parent" table
* Every child record is included in regular benchmarking data table, with a `parentid` * We somehow flag (or infer) which of these are independently benchmarked, and which are not
That seems promising.
In the XLSX that Mike sent, we have a field called EPAParticipationStatusFlag
that tells us if the building has it own benchmark. As far as I know, that is not in the current data, but seems like it could be added, and then we could use that to know whether to show the building's own data or to show data from the parentid
and also highlight on the map all buildings with the same parentid
For styling, I deconstructed the SQL and CartoCSS produced by the application so we could make an easier styling testbed in the form of a CARTO map:
This is simply two copies of the full buildings layer, one with all the buildings as is, and the other selecting only those where parentid
is not null. There are not many! As a first pass, I threw on a white dashed line.
Meh. We'll need some help from Tim!
In principle though, I think the task will be to make a new variant of the buildings layers in this file that is limited only to the selected building(s)
I updated the CARTO test map to just select Seattle University buidlings, outline them in black and scale back all other buildings to 0.2
This seems like a solid approach. With real data, these would all have the same energy benchmark data and therefore the same color.
Note that a treatment like this would require a much clearer method to deselect a building, to return map to full opacity.
We moved the building outline discussion to #67
Notes from data discussion today:
to assign to each footrpint, any one Energy Benchmark record can have any number of footprints assigned to itHowever, this raises some other issues about how we know whether "missing" buildings should be assigned to this campus, or not.
To pull the data out of that vis, I used the Network panel to find the data endpoint:,FeatureStatus,FeatureStatusDate,FieldStatus,FieldStatusDate,Notes,FacNum,FacCode,FacName,Site,Address,Ownership,YearBuilt,GSF,BaseMap,Underground,RGUID,GlobalID,created_user,created_date,last_edited_user,last_edited_date,SHAPE.STArea(),SHAPE.STLength()&outSR=102100&resultOffset=0&resultRecordCount=100000
That includes f=json
which is an annoying Esri JSON format.
But the root of that URL is and there we can build other queries and get the data. I noticed some records have null geometry, so I wrote this query to exclude those and get GeoJSON back:¶meterValues=&rangeValues=&quantizationParameters=&featureEncoding=esriDefault&f=geojson
I couldn't resist pulling the data to compare to what we have in the system:
So then do we add ONLY the gray buildings inside the blue line? or are there other buildings nearby also part of this campus and should they be included?
Ok, so for UW campus assignments, the answer is we are waiting on UW to provide a data file that rolls their buildings up to campus. Mike is communicating with them about this.
For the rest, one through I had was to look at the Rosetta Stone Excel file, filter out the UW main campus (Parent Building 49967) and then see how many parents there are.
The answer is 68:
Deliverable report on campus data issue:
There's some additional data work coming on this task related to UW cmapus, but I am going to close this out and file that as a separate ticket.