GreenInfo-Network / seattle-building-dashboard

Energy benchmarking for Seattle
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Seattle Building Footprint Digitizing #70

Closed DariyaGIN closed 1 year ago

DariyaGIN commented 1 year ago

Dashboard Spreadsheet

  1. Use the building Ids below to view the data on the dashboard website
  2. Go to the spreadsheet, find the row with that building id, get the building address, and use google maps to preview the satellite image of the building
  3. In ArcPro create a shapefile and digitize / create a polygon for the building outline as you see it in the satellite image (use the lat longs from the spreadsheet to get you to the correct location). The shapefile should have a column "building_id" and record the associated building id for each geometry.

Digitize these Seattle Building IDs:

21231 - digitize building in NW corner 21616 - digitize school 49894 - digitize 4 buildings 50067

DariyaGIN commented 1 year ago

For Joseph to fix:

joseph-stout commented 1 year ago

For Joseph to fix:

  • 21231 - split, and remove everything but the NW corner

Fixed-- tool to break apart merged/multipoint polygons is "Explode" in ArcGIS Pro. The shapefile with correct geometry can be found here: P:\proj_p_s\Seattle Building Dashboard\2023 update\DigitizingFootprints_20230921\DigitizedFootprints_20230921.shp

DariyaGIN commented 1 year ago

Great, here is a new list to digitize. I have added details for how to digitize each one / what to look for specifically.

Dashboard Building ID Notes
21570 Current shape in Seattle Dashboard is wrong (school was rebuilt recently). Please use satellite to digitize correct footprint.
50175 There are two L shaped buildings in this apt complex. One is in the dashboard, one isn't. Please digitize missing building (East one).
27774 There are three buildings in this apt complex, two of them are already in the dashboard, but one is missing. Please digitize the missing building (on satellite, it has a black rooftop like the other two, and it is on the West side of the other two).
50180 One of the buildings is present in the dashboard. Digitize missing building to the west (left)
50245 Part of the building is present in the dashboard. Digitize missing buildings (to west and south)
50247 Main apt building is present in dashbaord. Digitize the missing north-adjacent trapezoidal section of the apt building.
50309 Main apartment building is present in the dashboard. Digitize apt building on the west side of main apartment building.
50656 One of the Amazon towers in present in the dashboard. Please digitize second tower that is to the SW.
50481 Only part of the apt complex is present in the dashboard. Please digitize all of it, there are a total of three buildings based on sat view.
50101 Building footprint is in the wrong location. Use 47.66049228, -122.311532 to see correct building. Please digitize this one (Burke Museum).
50177 Apt building has a total of 6 buildings, but only one is present in the dashboard. Please digitize the other 5 buidlings.
24750 Please digitize the extra building attached to on the north side of the footprint present in the dashboard.
24235 One out of two buildings is present in dashboard. Please digitize second building, sitting to the east.
23020 There should be two buildings, but only one present in dashboard. Please digitize building that snakes around the footprint present in the dashboard.
joseph-stout commented 1 year ago

All new entries should be up to date. The file path to the updated shapefile is here:

P:\proj_p_s\Seattle Building Dashboard\2023 update\DigitizingFootprints_20230921\DigitizedFootprints_20230926.shp

And the file path to the project (in case you want to tour around for QA) is here: P:\proj_p_s\Seattle Building Dashboard\2023 update\DigitizingFootprints_20230921

DariyaGIN commented 1 year ago

For Joseph to fix: 21321 - explode into mult. polygons, delete all but NW corner. 49894 - you digitized one of the four buildings, but there are three other buildings that need to be part of this (again, leave them as single polygons) 50245 - explode into mult. polygons 50309 - redo this one, just a single building 50177 - explode into mult. polygons

joseph-stout commented 1 year ago

21231- Exploded and deleted all but NW corner (View at Bitter Lake Apartments) 50245- Exploded into separate records (Cascade I and II Combined) 50177- Exploded into mult. records 50481-Exploded into mult. records (Sorento Flats) 49894- Added three buildings to make 4 total for Array Apartments 50309- Re-digitized single building and ensured the geometry calculated/ zoom-to fiunction works.

Updated Shapefile location: P:\proj_p_s\Seattle Building Dashboard\2023 update\DigitizingFootprints_20230921\DigitizedFootprints_20230926.shp