GreenScheduler / cats

CATS: the Climate-Aware Task Scheduler :cat2: :tiger2: :leopard:
MIT License
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Needs a manual/info page #91

Open mkbane opened 2 months ago

mkbane commented 2 months ago

It would aid greatly if (e.g.) "cats -h" gave a full list of each parameter and its meaning. (e.g. what is -c COMMAND for? how would I find that out from the command line?)

NB I cannot see in where "-c COMMAND" is discussed

Although there is useful info in I do not get this displayed:

mkb@deb12:~/src/mmu-linux/mmu-bin$ ~/.local/bin/cats usage: cats [-h] -d DURATION [-s {at}] [-a API] [-c COMMAND] [--dateformat DATEFORMAT] [-l LOCATION] [--config CONFIG] [--profile PROFILE] [--format {json}] [-f] [--cpu CPU] [--gpu GPU] [--memory MEMORY] cats: error: the following arguments are required: -d/--duration

abhidg commented 2 months ago

cats -h now shows info in a better format, could you try this out? The CLI reference online is at, will link to it from the Quickstart