GreenStepsChatt / greensteps

This is the web app for Green Steps, a community focused initiative that incentivizes litter cleanup in the Chattanooga area.
MIT License
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Create a deploy script #100

Closed crawfoal closed 6 years ago

crawfoal commented 6 years ago

Right now, I have Semaphore set up to automatically deploy to the staging environment and it runs these commands:

git push --force heroku $BRANCH_NAME:master
heroku pg:reset DATABASE --app greensteps-staging --confirm greensteps-staging
heroku run rake db:schema:load db:populate --app greensteps-staging

After I look over the staging environment, I then promote from staging to production using the Heroku web interface. Then I run migrations in production (from the command line). It would be good to have a script to do this and it should also run after party tasks. You can promote a slug via Heroku CLI (heroku pipelines:promote).

@invacuo - can I get your input on this?

invacuo commented 6 years ago

I am not too familiar with Semaphore. The after_party tasks need to be run after the migrations have been run. I will try to do some reading about how Semaphore handles deploys and see where we can add running the migrations as well as after_party into the deploy script.