GreenStepsChatt / greensteps

This is the web app for Green Steps, a community focused initiative that incentivizes litter cleanup in the Chattanooga area.
MIT License
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Contact form #165

Open crawfoal opened 6 years ago

crawfoal commented 6 years ago

We were planning on having this send an to greenstepsinfo, but that might not be the best way to do things. I don't think we can just send an email from the user's email account on their behalf. We could send it from greenstepsinfo to greenstepsinfo. Or we could just display them in a "worklist" inside the admin section of the app.

sam0208 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am not really sure if you do not want to send e-mails on the user's behalf or that you can't do that.

For the latter you could try and send e-mails through an smtp server with their e-mail adres as the sender.

crawfoal commented 6 years ago

Wouldn’t that require their email password?

sam0208 commented 6 years ago

No, smtp lets fill out all the e-mail information. This is frequently used by spammers to send e-mail with malware from an other adres. However it is also used for things like forwarding all e-mails form one account to another so that the sender's e-mail is correctly displayed in the other mailbox.

crawfoal commented 6 years ago

Oh, good to know 🙂

Have you implemented something like this before? Does it cause the emails to go to the spam folder?

sam0208 commented 6 years ago

No i have not but i think it would not be as difficult. If you are using rails mailers you can configure smtp settings in config/environments/ easily. About the spam folder, I think you can whitelist e-mail coming from the server.

crawfoal commented 6 years ago

Cool, thanks for the information 🙂

We are planning on including this in the MVP which has a deadline of May 31. Are you interested in working on this issue? If not we understand and appreciate the input you have given us!

sam0208 commented 6 years ago

I would like to work on this issue but I'm a bit busy this month. I can check back sometime but I can't work on the issue right now.

crawfoal commented 6 years ago

Cool, we'll probably get to it by the end of the month but if not we'd love your help 🙂