GreenWaves-Technologies / gap_sdk

SDK for Greenwaves Technologies' GAP8 IoT Application Processor
Apache License 2.0
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Burning eFuses to start from HyperFlash #168

Closed plat-zhaw closed 3 years ago

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago


I am trying to boot the GAP8 on a GAPuino V2 from the HyperFlash. Do do that I need to burn the rights eFuses. According to the documentation of the gap_sdk release 3.7.1 i tried to do that. But i will not work.

Here is the terminal output:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1$ openocd-fuser-hyperflash BE CAREFUL: This will permanently configure the board to boot from hyperflash and cannot be undo. Do you confirm (y/N) ? y Configuring board for hyperflash, please stop it when "fuse_once is done" is displayed.

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0 Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read adapter speed: 1500 kHz Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring trst_and_srst separate srst_nogate trst_push_pull srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst embedded:startup.tcl:21: Error: Unknown target type gap8, try one of arm7tdmi, arm9tdmi, arm920t, arm720t, arm966e, arm946e, arm926ejs, fa526, feroceon, dragonite, xscale, cortex_m, cortex_a, cortex_r4, arm11, ls1_sap, mips_m4k, avr, dsp563xx, dsp5680xx, testee, avr32_ap7k, hla_target, nds32_v2, nds32_v3, nds32_v3m, or1k, quark_x10xx, or quark_d20xx in procedure 'script' at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 60 in procedure 'target' called at file "/home/immanuel/gap8v1_sdk/install/workstation/share/openocd/scripts/target/gap8.tcl", line 23 in procedure 'ocd_bouncer' at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 21

Thanks for all the help.

Yaooooo commented 4 years ago


Due to the last release, I think there are 2 parameters are necessary for the fuser haven't been configured by default. Could you please do: export OPENOCD_CABLE=interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg export OPENOCD_CHIP_TARGET=target/gap8revb.tcl

Then retry the script?


plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago


I very much appreciate the fast answer.

I did as you suggested but unfortunately it did not work.

Here the terminal session:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ export OPENOCD_CABLE=interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ export OPENOCD_CHIP_TARGET=target/gap8revb.tcl (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ echo $OPENOCD_CABLE interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ echo $OPENOCD_CHIP_TARGET target/gap8revb.tcl (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ openocd-fuser-hyperflash BE CAREFUL: This will permanently configure the board to boot from hyperflash and cannot be undo. Do you confirm (y/N) ? y Configuring board for hyperflash, please stop it when "fuse_once is done" is displayed.

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0 Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read adapter speed: 1500 kHz Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring trst_and_srst separate srst_nogate trst_push_pull srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst embedded:startup.tcl:21: Error: Unknown target type gap8, try one of arm7tdmi, arm9tdmi, arm920t, arm720t, arm966e, arm946e, arm926ejs, fa526, feroceon, dragonite, xscale, cortex_m, cortex_a, cortex_r4, arm11, ls1_sap, mips_m4k, avr, dsp563xx, dsp5680xx, testee, avr32_ap7k, hla_target, nds32_v2, nds32_v3, nds32_v3m, or1k, quark_x10xx, or quark_d20xx in procedure 'script' at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 60 in procedure 'target' called at file "/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/install/workstation/share/openocd/scripts/target/gap8revb.tcl", line 25 in procedure 'ocd_bouncer' at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 21

EDIT: I just opened an other terminal session and source configs/ and checked the environmental variabled OPENOCD_CABLE and OPENOCD_CHIP_TARGET and they already have the right value as asigned by the two eyports you suggested. So that seems not to be the issue here.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards Immanuel

Yaooooo commented 4 years ago

Em...It seems you (the script) are not using the right openocd. Could you please try: which openocd and which gap8-openocd

If the one, gap8-openocd is point to: gap_sdk/install/workstation/bin/gap8-openocd Then please change it in the script, line 9, the openocd -> gap8-openocd

Best, Yao

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago

I did as you suggested:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ which openocd /usr/bin/openocd (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ which gap8-openocd /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/install/workstation/bin/gap8-openocd (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ which openocd-fuser-hyperflash /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/install/workstation/bin/openocd-fuser-hyperflash

Now I do not know, if that is correct or not. And to which script are you refering to? To the this one /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/install/workstation/share/openocd/scripts/target/gap8revb.tcl?

Yaooooo commented 4 years ago

Sorry for my un-clear explanation. It's the /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/install/workstation/bin/openocd-fuser-hyperflash

But just fyi, this path is the script where has been "installed", if you want to change from the source, you can find it here: gap_sdk/tools/bin

If it works, please let me know, I will tag this as "bug" and push a fix in the next release.

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago

Now I understand it. So I changed line 9 in the script openocd-fuser-hyperflash from openocd -f $OPENOCD_CABLE -f $OPENOCD_CHIP_TARGET -f tcl/jtag_boot.tcl -f tcl/fuser.tcl -c 'fuse_hyperflash_boot '${GAP_OPENOCD_TOOLS}'' to gap8-openocd -f $OPENOCD_CABLE -f $OPENOCD_CHIP_TARGET -f tcl/jtag_boot.tcl -f tcl/fuser.tcl -c 'fuse_hyperflash_boot '${GAP_OPENOCD_TOOLS}''

It did seem to help some. Here is what I get now if I execute it again:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/Documents/GAP8/gapuino_v1_2$ openocd-fuser-hyperflash 
BE CAREFUL: This will permanently configure the board to boot from hyperflash and cannot be undo. Do you confirm (y/N) ?
Configuring board for hyperflash, please stop it when "fuse_once is done" is displayed.

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
TARGET create
Info : core 0 selected
Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected
Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected
Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit
Info : clock speed 1500 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1)
GAP8 examine target
Init jtag
Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out

So now it finds the chip and tries to do the burning. But I do not get the "fuce_once is done" message. Instead it just repeats the message "Warn : Burst read timed out" over and over. So I assume that the fuse buring did not work. But I will try to load a simple LED toggling into the hyperflash and see if the GAP boots from the hyperflash.

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago

So I built the exampled 'examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led':

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make PMSIS_OS=freertos platform=board io=uart all -j
    CC blink_led.c
    ASM  gap8_iet.S
    ASM  startup_gap8.S
    ASM  cluster_core.S
    ASM  port_asm.S
    CC  system_gap8.c
    CC  gap8_it.c
    CC  gap_io.c
    CC  string.c
    CC  stdlib.c
    CC  errno.c
    CC  cl_malloc.c
    CC  cl_to_fc_delegate.c
    CC  fc_to_cl_delegate.c
    CC  cl_team.c
    CC  hyperbus_cl_internal.c
    CC  uart_cl_internal.c
    CC  cl_dma_irq.c
    CC  fc_event.c
    CC  fll.c
    CC  gpio.c
    CC  pad.c
    CC  pmu.c
    CC  pmu_internal.c
    CC  pwm.c
    CC  pwm_internal.c
    CC  rtc.c
    CC  rtc_internal.c
    CC  timer.c
    CC  hyperbus.c
    CC  hyperbus_internal.c
    CC  cpi.c
    CC  cpi_internal.c
    CC  dmacpy.c
    CC  dmacpy_internal.c
    CC  i2c.c
    CC  i2c_internal.c
    CC  i2s.c
    CC  i2s_internal.c
    CC  spi.c
    CC  spi_internal.c
    CC  uart.c
    CC  uart_internal.c
    CC  perf_internal.c
    CC  flash.c
    CC  partition.c
    CC  flash_partition.c
    CC  md5.c
    CC  fs.c
    CC  lfs.c
    CC  lfs_util.c
    CC  pi_lfs.c
    CC  read_fs.c
    CC  semihost.c
    CC  host_fs.c
    CC  ota.c
    CC  ota_utility.c
    CC  updater.c
    CC  bootloader_utility.c
    CC  gapuino.c
    CC  camera.c
    CC  himax.c
    CC  ov7670.c
    CC  gc0308.c
    CC  ov5640.c
    CC  pixart.c
    CC  display.c
    CC  ili9341.c
    CC  hyperflash.c
    CC  hyperram.c
    CC  spiram.c
    CC  spiflash.c
    CC  ram.c
    CC  alloc_extern.c
/tmp/cca8aNDo.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cca8aNDo.s:2661: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .data
    CC  pi_log.c
    CC  event_kernel.c
    CC  cl_l1_malloc.c
    CC  fc_l1_malloc.c
    CC  l2_malloc.c
    CC  malloc_external.c
    CC  malloc_internal.c
    CC  pi_malloc.c
    CC  mem_slab.c
    CC  device.c
    CC  pmsis_task.c
    CC  pmsis_backend_native_task_api.c
    CC  port.c
    CC  printf.c
    CC  list.c
    CC  queue.c
    CC  tasks.c
    CC  timers.c
    CC  event_groups.c
    CC  stream_buffer.c
    CC  FreeRTOS_util.c
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --image --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --flash --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
gapy --target=gapuino_v2  gen_flash_image --boot-loader /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test  -o /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/flash.img

After that I tried loading the image into the hyperflash on my GAPuino V2:

base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make image flash
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --image --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --flash --force --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
Flashing image with command:
gap8-openocd -c "gdb_port disabled; telnet_port disabled; tcl_port disabled" -c "script interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg; script target/gap8revb.tcl; script tcl/flash_image.tcl; script tcl/jtag_boot.tcl; gap_flash_raw_hyper /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/target.board.devices.flash.img 31776 /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/tools/gap8-openocd-tools; exit;"
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
TARGET create
Info : core 0 selected
Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected
Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected
Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit
Info : clock speed 1500 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1)
GAP8 examine target
Init jtag
Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out
Warn : Burst read timed out

Once again I get the message "Warn : Burst read timed out" over and over. After a while I terminated the script in the terminal. Then I disconnected the board from the USB and reconnected it. The user LED does not blink. I pressed the reset button on the board and still the LED is not blinking. So I assume that either the burning of the fuses did not work or the loading of the flash image file did not work. I do not know which is the problem.

Is there a way to read the eFuses and display them?

So now I tried to build and program the same example over the JTAG interface from the computer:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make PMSIS_OS=freertos platform=board io=host all -j
    CC blink_led.c
    ASM  gap8_iet.S
    ASM  startup_gap8.S
    ASM  cluster_core.S
    ASM  port_asm.S
    CC  system_gap8.c
    CC  gap8_it.c
    CC  gap_io.c
    CC  string.c
    CC  stdlib.c
    CC  errno.c
    CC  cl_malloc.c
    CC  cl_to_fc_delegate.c
    CC  fc_to_cl_delegate.c
    CC  cl_team.c
    CC  hyperbus_cl_internal.c
    CC  uart_cl_internal.c
    CC  cl_dma_irq.c
    CC  fc_event.c
    CC  fll.c
    CC  gpio.c
    CC  pad.c
    CC  pmu.c
    CC  pmu_internal.c
    CC  pwm.c
    CC  pwm_internal.c
    CC  rtc.c
    CC  rtc_internal.c
    CC  timer.c
    CC  hyperbus.c
    CC  hyperbus_internal.c
    CC  cpi.c
    CC  cpi_internal.c
    CC  dmacpy.c
    CC  dmacpy_internal.c
    CC  i2c.c
    CC  i2c_internal.c
    CC  i2s.c
    CC  i2s_internal.c
    CC  spi.c
    CC  spi_internal.c
    CC  uart.c
    CC  uart_internal.c
    CC  perf_internal.c
    CC  flash.c
    CC  partition.c
    CC  flash_partition.c
    CC  md5.c
    CC  fs.c
    CC  lfs.c
    CC  lfs_util.c
    CC  pi_lfs.c
    CC  read_fs.c
    CC  semihost.c
    CC  host_fs.c
    CC  ota.c
    CC  ota_utility.c
    CC  updater.c
    CC  bootloader_utility.c
    CC  gapuino.c
    CC  camera.c
    CC  himax.c
    CC  ov7670.c
    CC  gc0308.c
    CC  ov5640.c
    CC  pixart.c
    CC  display.c
    CC  ili9341.c
    CC  hyperflash.c
    CC  hyperram.c
    CC  spiram.c
    CC  spiflash.c
    CC  ram.c
    CC  alloc_extern.c
/tmp/ccdDxQWA.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccdDxQWA.s:2661: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .data
    CC  pi_log.c
    CC  event_kernel.c
    CC  cl_l1_malloc.c
    CC  fc_l1_malloc.c
    CC  l2_malloc.c
    CC  malloc_external.c
    CC  malloc_internal.c
    CC  pi_malloc.c
    CC  mem_slab.c
    CC  device.c
    CC  pmsis_task.c
    CC  pmsis_backend_native_task_api.c
    CC  port.c
    CC  printf.c
    CC  list.c
    CC  queue.c
    CC  tasks.c
    CC  timers.c
    CC  event_groups.c
    CC  stream_buffer.c
    CC  FreeRTOS_util.c
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --image --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --flash --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
gapy --target=gapuino_v2  gen_flash_image --boot-loader /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test  -o /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/flash.img
(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make platform=board io=host run
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --exec-prepare --exec --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
Launching execution with command:
gap8-openocd -c 'gdb_port disabled; telnet_port disabled; tcl_port disabled' -f interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg -f target/gap8revb.tcl -f tcl/jtag_boot.tcl -c 'gap8_jtag_load_binary_and_start "/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test" elf'
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
TARGET create
Info : core 0 selected
Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected
Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected
Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit
Info : clock speed 1500 kHz
Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all ones
Error: Check JTAG interface, timings, target power, etc.
Error: Trying to use configured scan chain anyway...
Error: gap8.cpu: IR capture error; saw 0x0f not 0x01
Warn : Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors
GAP8 examine target
Init jtag
Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff

As you can see I get a warning that the CRC is wrong. And the LED is not blinking so it is not working. I have no idea what is going on. I just hope I did not destroy my GAPuino board.

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago

Since I have two GAPuino V2 boards I loaded the blink_led example onto the second board on which I did not try to burn the fuses to boot from the HyperFlash. On that board it is working just fine:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make platform=board io=host run
gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --exec-prepare --exec --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
Launching execution with command:
gap8-openocd -c 'gdb_port disabled; telnet_port disabled; tcl_port disabled' -f interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg -f target/gap8revb.tcl -f tcl/jtag_boot.tcl -c 'gap8_jtag_load_binary_and_start "/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test" elf'
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz'
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
TARGET create
Info : core 0 selected
Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected
Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected
Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit
Info : clock speed 1500 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1)
GAP8 examine target
Init jtag
Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG
Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
Info : gdb port disabled
Loading binary through JTAG
Info : tcl server disabled
Info : telnet server disabled

     *** PMSIS Blink LED ***

Entering main controller
Blinking USER LED

The user LED is blinking as it should.

It is my understanding, that after burning the fuses to boot from the HyperFlash it should still be possible to boot from the JTAG interface and load a program from there. Am I wrong? Did I destroy my other GAPuino V2 board because I tried to burn the fuses to boot from the HyperFlash?

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago

Soooooo, after some trial and error I got it all working.

  1. If you terminate a process in the bash using Ctrl+Z, because it does not react to Ctr+C, it does not kill the currently in the bash terminal running foreground process. All Ctr+Z does is giving control back to the terminal. So after you did that you need to kill the still running process(es) using kill -9 . I know this does out me as a Linux noob ;-) But there might be other who do not know that. So I thought it worth mentioning.

  2. When I tried to burn the eFuses to boot from the HyperFlash I had the Himax camera connected to the GAPuino V2 board. Apparently that is not a good idea. I disconnected the camera and I could load the blink_led over JTAG again. Furthermore, I get a lot less warnings "Warn : Burst read timed out". See my console output for loading blink_led over JTAG:

    base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make platform=board io=host run
    gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV    run --exec-prepare --exec --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test 
    Launching execution with command:
    gap8-openocd -c 'gdb_port disabled; telnet_port disabled; tcl_port disabled' -f interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg -f target/gap8revb.tcl -f tcl/jtag_boot.tcl -c 'gap8_jtag_load_binary_and_start "/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test" elf'
    Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21)
    Licensed under GNU GPL v2
    For bug reports, read
    DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
    DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz'
    DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
    Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring
    TARGET create
    Info : core 0 selected
    Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected
    Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected
    Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit
    Info : clock speed 1500 kHz
    Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1)
    GAP8 examine target
    Init jtag
    Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP
    Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG
    Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
    Info : gdb port disabled
    Loading binary through JTAG
    Info : tcl server disabled
    Info : telnet server disabled
     *** PMSIS Blink LED ***

Entering main controller Blinking USER LED ^Z [3]+ Stopped make platform=board io=host run

3. After that I tried to burn the eFuses again. This time I left the camera disconnected and low an behold the burning worked:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ openocd-fuser-hyperflash BE CAREFUL: This will permanently configure the board to boot from hyperflash and cannot be undo. Do you confirm (y/N) ? y Configuring board for hyperflash, please stop it when "fuse_once is done" is displayed.

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface' DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz' DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface' Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring TARGET create Info : core 0 selected 0 Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit GAP8 INIT TARGET Info : clock speed 1500 kHz Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1) GAP8 examine target Init jtag Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED Info : starting gdb server for gap8.cpu on 3333 Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections fuse_spiflash_boot Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1) GAP8 examine target RESET: jtag boot mode=3 Loading binary through JTAG Warn : Burst read timed out /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/tools/gap8-openocd-tools/gap_bins/gap_fuser@gapoc_a.elf Wait for gap init fuse boot from flash bit signal gap that setup is done Wait for fuser to finish fuse_once is done fuse boot from hyper bit signal gap that setup is done Wait for fuser to finish fuse_once is done signal gap to exit fuse done Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections ^Cshutdown command invoked

This time I still got a warning "Warn : Burst read timed out", but just once.

4. Having burned the fuses I recompiled the blink_led example:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make clean rm -f /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/flash.img (base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make PMSIS_OS=freertos platform=board io=uart all -j CC blink_led.c ASM gap8_iet.S ASM startup_gap8.S ASM cluster_core.S ASM port_asm.S CC system_gap8.c CC gap8_it.c CC gap_io.c CC string.c CC stdlib.c CC errno.c CC cl_malloc.c CC cl_to_fc_delegate.c CC fc_to_cl_delegate.c CC cl_team.c CC hyperbus_cl_internal.c CC uart_cl_internal.c CC cl_dma_irq.c CC fc_event.c CC fll.c CC gpio.c CC pad.c CC pmu.c CC pmu_internal.c CC pwm.c CC pwm_internal.c CC rtc.c CC rtc_internal.c CC timer.c CC hyperbus.c CC hyperbus_internal.c CC cpi.c CC cpi_internal.c CC dmacpy.c CC dmacpy_internal.c CC i2c.c CC i2c_internal.c CC i2s.c CC i2s_internal.c CC spi.c CC spi_internal.c CC uart.c CC uart_internal.c CC perf_internal.c CC flash.c CC partition.c CC flash_partition.c CC md5.c CC fs.c CC lfs.c CC lfs_util.c CC pi_lfs.c CC read_fs.c CC semihost.c CC host_fs.c CC ota.c CC ota_utility.c CC updater.c CC bootloader_utility.c CC gapuino.c CC camera.c CC himax.c CC ov7670.c CC gc0308.c CC ov5640.c CC pixart.c CC display.c CC ili9341.c CC hyperflash.c CC hyperram.c CC spiram.c CC spiflash.c CC ram.c CC alloc_extern.c /tmp/cc2vnfx9.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/cc2vnfx9.s:2661: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .data CC pi_log.c CC event_kernel.c CC cl_l1_malloc.c CC fc_l1_malloc.c CC l2_malloc.c CC malloc_external.c CC malloc_internal.c CC pi_malloc.c CC mem_slab.c CC device.c CC pmsis_task.c CC pmsis_backend_native_task_api.c CC port.c CC printf.c CC list.c CC queue.c CC tasks.c CC timers.c CC event_groups.c CC stream_buffer.c CC FreeRTOS_util.c gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV run --image --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV run --flash --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test gapy --target=gapuino_v2 gen_flash_image --boot-loader /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test -o /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/flash.img

5. Then I flashed the above built image:

(base) immanuel@ubuntu1-VirtualBox:~/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led$ make image flash gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV run --image --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test gapy --target=gapuino_v2 --platform=board --work-dir=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV run --flash --force --binary=/home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/test Flashing image with command: gap8-openocd -c "gdb_port disabled; telnet_port disabled; tcl_port disabled" -c "script interface/ftdi/gapuino_ftdi.cfg; script target/gap8revb.tcl; script tcl/flash_image.tcl; script tcl/jtag_boot.tcl; gap_flash_raw_hyper /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/examples/pmsis/bsp/blink_led/BUILD/GAP8_V2/GCC_RISCV/target.board.devices.flash.img 31776 /home/immanuel/gap8v2_sdk/tools/gap8-openocd-tools; exit;" Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00031-g6ec2d931 (2020-10-02-13:21) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface' DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz' DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface' Warn : Interface already configured, ignoring TARGET create Info : core 0 selected Info : gap8_adv_debug_itf tap selected Info : adv_dbg_unit debug unit selected Info : Option 7 is passed to adv_dbg_unit debug unit GAP8 INIT TARGET Info : clock speed 1500 kHz Info : JTAG tap: gap8.cpu tap/device found: 0x149511c3 (mfg: 0x0e1 (Wintec Industries), part: 0x4951, ver: 0x1) GAP8 examine target Init jtag Initialising GAP8 JTAG TAP Info : adv debug unit is configured with option BOOT MODE JTAG Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED Info : gdb port disabled

begining flash session (hyperflash)

load flasher to L2 memory Loading binary through JTAG Warn : Burst read timed out Instruct flasher to begin flash per se device struct address is 470093656 going to wait on addr GAP_RDY wait on gap_rdy done witg buff ptr 0 469828864 loading image with addr 469828864 addr_min 469828864 and size 31776 load image done flasher is done, exiting

flasher is done!

It worked! After the flashing of the HyperFlash the user LED started blinking. The I pressed the reset button on the board and the LED started blinking again, without having to load the program over JTAG again. After that I disconnected the GAPuino V2 board from the USB (and therefore removed the power supply). After plugging it in again the GAP8 booted nicely from the HyperFlash and the user LED began to blink.


There is a bug in the openocd-fuser-hyperflash script on line 9. There, openocd has to be changed to gap8-openocd. The same bug is in the scripts openocd-fuser-fll-revb (same line) and openocd-flasher (line 10).

To burn eFuses you should not connect anything to the GAPuino board and it should work.

There still does appear to be a problem which prompts the display of the warning "Warn : Burst read timed out". The people from GreenWaves might want to look into that.

Thanks a lot to Yaoooo for the help.

Yaooooo commented 4 years ago

Glad you find out the problem! I reopen it for us to track there is a bug fix need to be done.

For what you mentioned disconnect the camera, I found it's very strange. I don't think this will cause the fuse failed. Will double check it. Thanks

plat-zhaw commented 4 years ago

Of course I am OK with you reopening the issue. I just thought I was supposed to close it, since I was able to get it running.

About the camera: I am not sure the Himax camera was really the problem while burning the eFuses. What I can tell you is that after I disconnected the camera it worked. But that might also be, because that time around the GAPuino was disconnected from the power supply longer than before and that might have given all the capacitors more time to discharge and therefore it was a "more complete" reset of the whole board. What I can tell you with certainty is, that if the camera is connected, I get a lot more warnings "Warn : Burst read timed out" than when the camera is not connected. That is for just loading some program over JTAG unto the GAP8. I think that is also very odd and I have no idea, why that is the case. As said in my (not anymore) closing post you (or some other engineer from GreenWaves) might want to investigate this warning message. For now they just might confuse people, which are new to the GAP8 universe and do not know that this is kind of normal.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have further questions or you need me to try something out for you. I am happy to help in any way possible (as far as it is in my not so considerable power).

Manucar commented 3 years ago

Hi @Yaooooo, in the current SDK version this bug is still present, are you planning to include a fix in the next release?



Yaooooo commented 3 years ago

Efuse tool has been updated. In the latest release, you can find this tool: It should be much faster and easy to be used.