Closed chuyaowang closed 2 years ago
Hi @chuyaowang! Thanks for using ArchR! Please make sure that your post belongs in the Issues section. Only bugs and error reports belong in the Issues section. Usage questions and feature requests should be posted in the Discussions section, not in Issues.
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I dont have any insight on this error. sorry. Most of what comes up on google seems to be related to jupyter notebooks but I'm not sure if you are using one.
Hello! I had similar errors with the example data. code: ComplexHeatmap::draw(heatmapEM, heatmap_legend_side = "bot", annotation_legend_side = "bot") error: Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Norm. Enrichment -log10(P-adj) [0-Max]_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found Traceback:
Have you solved this problem? I'm really at a loss as to how to proceed, and any guidance would be much appreciated! Thank you for your kind help!
Hi @chuyaowang @QianhuiXu, I am having the exact same issue. Did you find a way to solve it yet? Thanks in advance!
I'm happy to reopen this if someone can provide a reproducible example
Hi all,
I had exactly the same error when using plotEnrichHeatmap
in jupyternotebook interface:
Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Norm. Enrichment -log10(P-adj) [0-Max]_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found
And I could work around it by submitting a job to run the data. So seems it's en issue related with jupyter. I have R 4.2.2 and ArchR 1.0.2 Hope this helps.
Best, Zhijun
Hi everyone, I also happened to this issue. Dose anyone have solve this problem ? Thanks! Eco
ERROR while rich displaying an object: Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Relative strength_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found
1. tryCatch(withCallingHandlers({
. if (!mime %in% names(repr::mime2repr))
. stop("No repr_* for mimetype ", mime, " in repr::mime2repr")
. rpr <- repr::mime2repr[[mime]](obj)
. if (is.null(rpr))
. return(NULL)
. prepare_content(is.raw(rpr), rpr)
. }, error = error_handler), error = outer_handler)
2. tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
3. tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
4. doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
5. withCallingHandlers({
. if (!mime %in% names(repr::mime2repr))
. stop("No repr_* for mimetype ", mime, " in repr::mime2repr")
. rpr <- repr::mime2repr[[mime]](obj)
. if (is.null(rpr))
. return(NULL)
. prepare_content(is.raw(rpr), rpr)
. }, error = error_handler)
6. repr::mime2repr[[mime]](obj)
7. repr_text.default(obj)
8. paste(capture.output(print(obj)), collapse = "\n")
9. capture.output(print(obj))
10. withVisible(...elt(i))
11. print(obj)
12. print.default(obj)
I was only able to resolve it by downgrading the ComplexHeatmap version to v2.10.0 (current is v2.16.0). To do so, you also need to downgrade your Bioconductor BiocManager version, which also means you need to downgrade your R version. For me, the combination of R (v4.1.3)–Bioconductor (v3.14)–ComplexHeatmap (v2.10.0)
worked. It may work for other combinations, but just this one worked for me.
I think the main problem is that they are still trying to make packages compatible with the newest version of R (v4.3.2).
Same problem
ComplexHeatmap::draw(heatmapEM, heatmap_legend_side = "bot", annotation_legend_side = "bot")
debugging in: ComplexHeatmap::draw(heatmapEM, heatmap_legend_side = "bot", annotation_legend_side = "bot") debug: standardGeneric("draw") debugging in: draw(ht_list, ...) debug: standardGeneric("draw") debugging in: draw(object, newpage = newpage, background = background, row_title = row_title, row_title_side = row_title_side, row_title_gp = row_title_gp, column_title = column_title, column_title_side = column_title_side, column_title_gp = column_title_gp, heatmap_legend_side = heatmap_legend_side, merge_legends = merge_legends, show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend, heatmap_legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, annotation_legend_side = annotation_legend_side, show_annotation_legend = show_annotation_legend, annotation_legend_list = annotation_legend_list, align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend, align_annotation_legend = align_annotation_legend, legend_grouping = legend_grouping, gap = gap, ht_gap = ht_gap, main_heatmap = main_heatmap, padding = padding, adjust_annotation_extension = adjust_annotation_extension, auto_adjust = auto_adjust, row_dend_side = row_dend_side, row_sub_title_side = row_sub_title_side, column_dend_side = column_dend_side, column_sub_title_side = column_sub_title_side, row_gap = row_gap, cluster_rows = cluster_rows, cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices, clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows, clustering_method_rows = clustering_method_rows, row_dend_width = row_dend_width, show_row_dend = show_row_dend, row_dend_reorder = row_dend_reorder, row_dend_gp = row_dend_gp, row_order = row_order, km = km, split = split, row_km = row_km, row_km_repeats = row_km_repeats, row_split = row_split, height = height, heatmap_height = heatmap_height, column_gap = column_gap, cluster_columns = cluster_columns, cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices, clustering_distance_columns = clustering_distance_columns, clustering_method_columns = clustering_method_columns, column_dend_width = column_dend_width, show_column_dend = show_column_dend, column_dend_reorder = column_dend_reorder, column_dend_gp = column_dend_gp, column_order = column_order, column_km = column_km, column_km_repeats = column_km_repeats, column_split = column_split, width = width, heatmap_width = heatmap_width, use_raster = use_raster, raster_device = raster_device, raster_quality = raster_quality, raster_device_param = raster_device_param, raster_resize = raster_resize, post_fun = post_fun, save_last = save_last, heatmap_row_names_gp = heatmap_row_names_gp, heatmap_column_names_gp = heatmap_column_names_gp, heatmap_row_title_gp = heatmap_row_title_gp, heatmap_column_title_gp = heatmap_column_title_gp, legend_title_gp = legend_title_gp, legend_title_position = legend_title_position, legend_labels_gp = legend_labels_gp, legend_grid_height = legend_grid_height, legend_grid_width = legend_grid_width, legend_border = legend_border, legend_gap = legend_gap, heatmap_border = heatmap_border, annotation_border = annotation_border, fastcluster = fastcluster, simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size, show_parent_dend_line = show_parent_dend_line) debug: standardGeneric("draw") debugging in: draw(ht, internal = TRUE) debug: standardGeneric("draw") debugging in: draw(anno, index = ind, x = x, y = y, just = just) debug: standardGeneric("draw") exiting from: draw(anno, index = ind, x = x, y = y, just = just) debugging in: draw(annotation, index = index, k = k, n = n, anno_mark_param = anno_mark_param) debug: standardGeneric("draw") debugging in: draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n, anno_mark_param = anno_mark_param) debug: standardGeneric("draw") debugging in: draw(object@fun, index = index, k = k, n = n) debug: standardGeneric("draw") exiting from: draw(object@fun, index = index, k = k, n = n) exiting from: draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n, anno_mark_param = anno_mark_param) exiting from: draw(annotation, index = index, k = k, n = n, anno_mark_param = anno_mark_param) exiting from: draw(ht, internal = TRUE) debugging in: draw(pk, y = height 0.5) debug: standardGeneric("draw") exiting from: draw(pk, y = height 0.5) exiting from: draw(object, newpage = newpage, background = background, row_title = row_title, row_title_side = row_title_side, row_title_gp = row_title_gp, column_title = column_title, column_title_side = column_title_side, column_title_gp = column_title_gp, heatmap_legend_side = heatmap_legend_side, merge_legends = merge_legends, show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend, heatmap_legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, annotation_legend_side = annotation_legend_side, show_annotation_legend = show_annotation_legend, annotation_legend_list = annotation_legend_list, align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend, align_annotation_legend = align_annotation_legend, legend_grouping = legend_grouping, gap = gap, ht_gap = ht_gap, main_heatmap = main_heatmap, padding = padding, adjust_annotation_extension = adjust_annotation_extension, auto_adjust = auto_adjust, row_dend_side = row_dend_side, row_sub_title_side = row_sub_title_side, column_dend_side = column_dend_side, column_sub_title_side = column_sub_title_side, row_gap = row_gap, cluster_rows = cluster_rows, cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices, clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows, clustering_method_rows = clustering_method_rows, row_dend_width = row_dend_width, show_row_dend = show_row_dend, row_dend_reorder = row_dend_reorder, row_dend_gp = row_dend_gp, row_order = row_order, km = km, split = split, row_km = row_km, row_km_repeats = row_km_repeats, row_split = row_split, height = height, heatmap_height = heatmap_height, column_gap = column_gap, cluster_columns = cluster_columns, cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices, clustering_distance_columns = clustering_distance_columns, clustering_method_columns = clustering_method_columns, column_dend_width = column_dend_width, show_column_dend = show_column_dend, column_dend_reorder = column_dend_reorder, column_dend_gp = column_dend_gp, column_order = column_order, column_km = column_km, column_km_repeats = column_km_repeats, column_split = column_split, width = width, heatmap_width = heatmap_width, use_raster = use_raster, raster_device = raster_device, raster_quality = raster_quality, raster_device_param = raster_device_param, raster_resize = raster_resize, post_fun = post_fun, save_last = save_last, heatmap_row_names_gp = heatmap_row_names_gp, heatmap_column_names_gp = heatmap_column_names_gp, heatmap_row_title_gp = heatmap_row_title_gp, heatmap_column_title_gp = heatmap_column_title_gp, legend_title_gp = legend_title_gp, legend_title_position = legend_title_position, legend_labels_gp = legend_labels_gp, legend_grid_height = legend_grid_height, legend_grid_width = legend_grid_width, legend_border = legend_border, legend_gap = legend_gap, heatmap_border = heatmap_border, annotation_border = annotation_border, fastcluster = fastcluster, simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size, show_parent_dend_line = show_parent_dend_line)
{ "name": "ERROR", "message": "Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Norm. Enrichment -log10(P-adj) [0-Max]_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found ", "stack": "Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Norm. Enrichment -log10(P-adj) [0-Max]_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found Traceback:
- ComplexHeatmap::draw(heatmapEM, heatmap_legend_side = \"bot\", . annotation_legend_side = \"bot\")
- ComplexHeatmap::draw(heatmapEM, heatmap_legend_side = \"bot\", . annotation_legend_side = \"bot\")
- .local(object, ...)
- draw(ht_list, ...)
- draw(ht_list, ...)
- .local(object, ...)
- grid.draw(p)
- grid.draw.gTree(p)
- recordGraphics(drawGTree(x), list(x = x), getNamespace(\"grid\"))
- drawGTree(x)
- grid.draw(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE)
- grid.draw.grob(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE)
- recordGraphics(drawGrob(x), list(x = x), getNamespace(\"grid\"))
- drawGrob(x)
- preDraw(x)
- preDraw.grob(x)
- pushvpgp(x)
- pushgrobvp(x$vp)
- pushgrobvp.vpPath(x$vp)
- downViewport(vp, strict = TRUE, recording = FALSE)
- downViewport.vpPath(vp, strict = TRUE, recording = FALSE)
-, name$path, name$name, strict)" }
Hi all,
I had exactly the same error when using
in jupyternotebook interface:
Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Norm. Enrichment -log10(P-adj) [0-Max]_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found
And I could work around it by submitting a job to run the data. So seems it's en issue related with jupyter. I have R 4.2.2 and ArchR 1.0.2 Hope this helps.
Best, Zhijun
How exactly you solved this? Care to write step by step instruction for us mortals?
Attach your log file ArchR-addReproduciblePeakSet-3912e6e2aaa-Date-2022-09-02_Time-06-30-34.log ArchR-getMarkerFeatures-52ae2d2c7232-Date-2022-09-03_Time-13-26-55.log ArchR-peakAnnoEnrichment-52ae41e06424-Date-2022-09-03_Time-13-51-24.log ArchR-plotEnrichHeatmap-52ae6835165f-Date-2022-09-03_Time-14-07-05.log
Describe the bug The error "ERROR while rich displaying an object: Error in, name$path, name$name, strict): Viewport 'Norm. Enrichment -log10(P-adj) [0-Max]_heatmap_body_1_1' was not found" is returned when trying to display the output of plotEnrichHeatmap
To Reproduce I have not yet, but I am following a tutorial to learn scATAC analysis in a class, and others have not encountered this problem
Expected behavior A heatmap be generated
Additional context I am analyzing a mouse brain scATAC dataset. After creating pseudo-bulks, peak calling using MACS2, getting marker peaks for each cell type, annotating motifs, now I want a heatmap of motif enrichment for each cell type. It might be useful to know I annotated the cells using annotated scRNA data from