GreenleafLab / ArchR

ArchR : Analysis of Regulatory Chromatin in R (
MIT License
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error when subsetArchRProject #2181

Open EddieLv opened 4 days ago

EddieLv commented 4 days ago

I can run subsetArchRProject successfully for every sample, but when I run for one sample, something wrong happend!

Command is: archR_object = subsetArchRProject(ArchRProj = archR_object, outputDirectory = archr_out, cells = valid.cells.true, dropCells = T, force = T) Error is: Copying Arrow Files... 错误于.Call2("Rle_constructor", values, lengths, PACKAGE = "S4Vectors"): 'length(values)' != 'length(lengths)'

rcorces commented 4 days ago

Hi @EddieLv! Thanks for using ArchR! Lately, it has been very challenging for me to keep up with maintenance of this package and all of my other responsibilities as a PI. I have not been responding to issue posts and I have not been pushing updates to the software. We are actively searching to hire a computational biologist to continue to develop and maintain ArchR and related tools. If you know someone who might be a good fit, please let us know! In the meantime, your issue will likely go without a reply. Most issues with ArchR right not relate to compatibility. Try reverting to R 4.1 and Bioconductor 3.15. Newer versions of Seurat and Matrix also are causing issues. Sorry for not being able to provide active support for this package at this time.