GreenleafLab / ArchR

ArchR : Analysis of Regulatory Chromatin in R (
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scanning peaks for transcription binding sites #598

Closed rojinsafavi closed 3 years ago

rojinsafavi commented 3 years ago

Hi @rcorces ,

I have a question about using ArchR outputs for downstream analysis. I would like to detect potential motif binding sites within peaks. Obviously, I can use bedtools to intersect motif binding sites with ArchR peak matrix regions (each region is 501 bp) to detect what peaks have the binding sites. But what makes me worried is that it is possible that we have some gaps in each peak. For example, motif X has a binding site AAAAAA, and that sequence exists in peak X, but no read is actually aligned to that sequence. Would it be possible that somehow indicate what bases in a peak region have actual DNA sequence aligned to?

Thank you very much, Regards,

jgranja24 commented 3 years ago

Hi @rojinsafavi, thanks for your question. Please try to use proper labels as this is a documentation sort of question and not a bug. The question you are asking can be solved below. I don't think subsetting by fragment positions is really necessary when you have sequenced deep. The reason for the larger difference is because I downsampled this dataset extremely small and removed lots of cells.


proj <- getTestProject()
positions <- getPositions(proj)
# > positions
# GRangesList object of length 870:
# $TFAP2B_1
# GRanges object with 2929 ranges and 1 metadata column:
#          seqnames              ranges strand |     score
#             <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>
#      [1]     chr1       860792-860803      - |   8.14926
#      [2]     chr1       873916-873927      + |   8.07230
#      [3]     chr1       873916-873927      - |   8.07230
#      [4]     chr1       875505-875516      + |  10.03060
#      [5]     chr1       875505-875516      - |   8.86681
#      ...      ...                 ...    ... .       ...
#   [2925]     chr2 242809493-242809504      + |   7.87604
#   [2926]     chr2 242809450-242809461      - |   7.92003
#   [2927]     chr2 242813376-242813387      + |   7.85617
#   [2928]     chr2 242944266-242944277      + |   8.58860
#   [2929]     chr2 242944266-242944277      - |   8.26546
#   -------
#   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

# ...
# <869 more elements>

allFragments <- getFragmentsFromProject(proj)
# > allFragments
# List of length 1
# names(1): PBMCSmall

allFragments <- unlist(allFragments, use.names=FALSE)
# > allFragments
# GRanges object with 1798429 ranges and 1 metadata column:
#             seqnames              ranges strand |                     RG
#                <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |                  <Rle>
#         [1]     chr1         17171-17524      * | PBMCSmall#CCGTGAGAGA..
#         [2]     chr1       138313-138531      * | PBMCSmall#CCGTGAGAGA..
#         [3]     chr1       531909-532086      * | PBMCSmall#CCGTGAGAGA..
#         [4]     chr1       538911-538943      * | PBMCSmall#CCGTGAGAGA..
#         [5]     chr1       568247-568376      * | PBMCSmall#CCGTGAGAGA..
#         ...      ...                 ...    ... .                    ...
#   [1798425]     chr2 170590266-170590506      * | PBMCSmall#GTTGGTACAC..
#   [1798426]     chr2 174829442-174829503      * | PBMCSmall#GTTGGTACAC..
#   [1798427]     chr2 175117762-175117952      * | PBMCSmall#GTTGGTACAC..
#   [1798428]     chr2 179343258-179343345      * | PBMCSmall#GTTGGTACAC..
#   [1798429]     chr2 187350772-187350807      * | PBMCSmall#GTTGGTACAC..

#Subset By those Overlapping Fragment Regions ### SLOW
positions2 <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(positions), function(x){
    subsetByOverlaps(positions[[x]], allFragments, ignore.strand=TRUE)
}, mc.cores = 16, mc.preschedule=FALSE)
names(positions2) <- names(positions)
positions2 <- as(positions2, "GRangesList")
# > positions2
# GRangesList object of length 870:
# $TFAP2B_1
# GRanges object with 2734 ranges and 1 metadata column:
#          seqnames              ranges strand |     score
#             <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>
#      [1]     chr1       860792-860803      - |   8.14926
#      [2]     chr1       873916-873927      + |   8.07230
#      [3]     chr1       873916-873927      - |   8.07230
#      [4]     chr1       875505-875516      + |  10.03060
#      [5]     chr1       875505-875516      - |   8.86681
#      ...      ...                 ...    ... .       ...
#   [2730]     chr2 242809493-242809504      + |   7.87604
#   [2731]     chr2 242809450-242809461      - |   7.92003
#   [2732]     chr2 242813376-242813387      + |   7.85617
#   [2733]     chr2 242944266-242944277      + |   8.58860
#   [2734]     chr2 242944266-242944277      - |   8.26546
#   -------
#   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

# ...
# <869 more elements>

#How Different
cbPos <- cbind(unlist(lapply(positions, length)), unlist(lapply(positions2, length)))

#See How Correlated
cor(log10(cbPos[,1]), log10(cbPos[,2]))
# [1] 0.9961276

#Difference Range %
median(abs(cbPos[,1] - cbPos[,2]) / rowMeans(cbPos))
# [1] 0.1383671