Greenruhm / connect

Greenruhm Connect is your white label, custom-branded connection to the music metaverse. It allows you to provide music NFT services inside your app with your branding.
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`connection.signIn()` discrepancies from `connect` docs #18

Closed oliver-day closed 2 years ago

oliver-day commented 2 years ago

1. Unable to sign-in with existing user


  1. Attempt to sign in with an existing email
  2. Observe the returned error

2. All of user properties are not returned in GET /api/profile/[profileId] call


  1. Attempt to sign in with an existing email
  2. Observe the returned response data for the GET /api/profile/[profileId] call:

3. User's avatarImg property is NOT consistent with connect docs


  1. Find user in user collection in Fauna db by email
  2. Observe the avatarImg property instead of avatarImage

4. connection.signIn() not found email error message does not match connect docs


  1. Attempt to sign in with an existing email
  2. Observe the returned error message on /sign-in page

User in Fauna user collection:


GET /api/profile/[profileId] header:

GET—api profile profileId—header

GET /api/profile/[profileId] response:

GET—api profile profileId—response


connect src features user sign-in

/sign-in page in connect:

ericelliott commented 2 years ago

Let's open a separate issue for each point.