Issue(s) addressed
Grower Detail: Full grower name is not displayed
Resolves #1048
What kind of change(s) does this PR introduce?
[ ] Enhancement
[x] Bug fix
[ ] Refactor
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[x ] The commit message follows our guidelines
[ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
[ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
What is the current behavior?
The Growers Name wasn't displayed anymore, but a "name" field was showing. What is the new behavior?
The growers name is back, and the field "name" has been removed.
…and remove first name field
[Add a description of the changes]
Issue(s) addressed Grower Detail: Full grower name is not displayed
Resolves #1048 What kind of change(s) does this PR introduce?
[ ] Enhancement
[x] Bug fix
[ ] Refactor
Please check if the PR fulfils these requirements
What is the current behavior? The Growers Name wasn't displayed anymore, but a "name" field was showing.
What is the new behavior? The growers name is back, and the field "name" has been removed.
Breaking change
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
Other useful information