Greenstand / treetracker-query-api

To fetch Greenstand map data for client's like web map, wallet app, and so on.
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 58 forks source link

`catch error: error: select distinct on ("treetracker"."grower_account"."id")` #364

Open SuspenseFallback opened 10 months ago

SuspenseFallback commented 10 months ago

Server Log:

  method: 'select',
  options: {},
  timeout: false,
  cancelOnTimeout: false,
  bindings: [
  __knexQueryUid: '4dLxnIGNpwk2LJZunOnXV',
  sql: 'select distinct on ("treetracker"."grower_account"."id") \n' +
    '        treetracker.grower_account.*,\n' +
    '        s.org_name as organization,\n' +
    '        d.device_configurations as devices,\n' +
    '        r.regions AS regions,\n' +
    '        COALESCE(c.captures_count, 0) AS captures\n' +
    '        FROM treetracker.grower_account\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN treetracker.capture AS tc\n' +
    '          ON = tc.grower_account_id\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN field_data.device_configuration\n' +
    '          ON = tc.device_configuration_id\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN (\n' +
    '          SELECT tc.grower_account_id, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT( AS regions\n' +
    '          FROM treetracker.capture AS tc\n' +
    '          JOIN regions.region AS r\n' +
    '            ON ST_WITHIN(tc.estimated_geometric_location, r.shape)\n' +
    '          GROUP BY tc.grower_account_id\n' +
    '          ) r ON = tc.grower_account_id\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN stakeholder.stakeholder AS s\n' +
    '          ON = treetracker.grower_account.organization_id\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN AS author\n' +
    '          ON author.handle = treetracker.grower_account.wallet\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN (\n' +
    '          SELECT grower_account_id, COUNT(*) AS captures_count\n' +
    '          FROM treetracker.capture\n' +
    '          GROUP BY grower_account_id\n' +
    '        ) c ON = c.grower_account_id\n' +
    '        LEFT JOIN (\n' +
    '          SELECT tc.grower_account_id, ARRAY_AGG(row_to_json(dc.*)) AS device_configurations\n' +
    '          FROM treetracker.capture AS tc\n' +
    '          JOIN field_data.device_configuration AS dc\n' +
    '            ON = tc.device_configuration_id\n' +
    '          GROUP BY tc.grower_account_id\n' +
    '        ) d ON = tc.grower_account_id\n' +
    '     where (not "treetracker"."grower_account"."status" = ? and "treetracker"."grower_account"."organization_id" = ?) limit ?'
catch error: error: select distinct on ("treetracker"."grower_account"."id") 
        s.org_name as organization,
        d.device_configurations as devices,
        r.regions AS regions,
        COALESCE(c.captures_count, 0) AS captures
        FROM treetracker.grower_account
        LEFT JOIN treetracker.capture AS tc
          ON = tc.grower_account_id
        LEFT JOIN field_data.device_configuration
          ON = tc.device_configuration_id
        LEFT JOIN (
          SELECT tc.grower_account_id, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT( AS regions
          FROM treetracker.capture AS tc
          JOIN regions.region AS r
            ON ST_WITHIN(tc.estimated_geometric_location, r.shape)
          GROUP BY tc.grower_account_id
          ) r ON = tc.grower_account_id
        LEFT JOIN stakeholder.stakeholder AS s
          ON = treetracker.grower_account.organization_id
        LEFT JOIN AS author
          ON author.handle = treetracker.grower_account.wallet
        LEFT JOIN (
          SELECT grower_account_id, COUNT(*) AS captures_count
          FROM treetracker.capture
          GROUP BY grower_account_id
        ) c ON = c.grower_account_id
        LEFT JOIN (
          SELECT tc.grower_account_id, ARRAY_AGG(row_to_json(dc.*)) AS device_configurations
          FROM treetracker.capture AS tc
          JOIN field_data.device_configuration AS dc
            ON = tc.device_configuration_id
          GROUP BY tc.grower_account_id
        ) d ON = tc.grower_account_id
     where (not "treetracker"."grower_account"."status" = $1 and "treetracker"."grower_account"."organization_id" = $2) limit $3 - invalid input syntax for type uuid: "db741b6d-a8a7-47eb-87f0-976240ee2957,8b353fbe-0ad7-46a6-ad43-27e304a95757,ce14d9b7-92c3-450b-9779-2bb731c5aefc,40711d01-d4ee-4b60-99f9-6b5ad11d5e52"
    at Parser.parseErrorMessage (/Users/krithinpakshootra/Documents/Projects/Greenstand/treetracker-query-api/node_modules/pg-protocol/src/parser.ts:369:69)
    at Parser.handlePacket (/Users/krithinpakshootra/Documents/Projects/Greenstand/treetracker-query-api/node_modules/pg-protocol/src/parser.ts:188:21)
    at Parser.parse (/Users/krithinpakshootra/Documents/Projects/Greenstand/treetracker-query-api/node_modules/pg-protocol/src/parser.ts:103:30)
    at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (/Users/krithinpakshootra/Documents/Projects/Greenstand/treetracker-query-api/node_modules/pg-protocol/src/index.ts:7:48)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:517:28)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:domain:489:12)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:335:12)
    at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:308:9)
    at TLSSocket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:245:10)
    at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23) {
  length: 242,
  severity: 'ERROR',
  code: '22P02',
  detail: undefined,
  hint: undefined,
  position: undefined,
  internalPosition: undefined,
  internalQuery: undefined,
  where: undefined,
  schema: undefined,
  table: undefined,
  column: undefined,
  dataType: undefined,
  constraint: undefined,
  file: 'uuid.c',
  line: '134',
  routine: 'string_to_uuid'
API took: /v2/growers?organization_id=%5B%22db741b6d-a8a7-47eb-87f0-976240ee2957%22%2C%228b353fbe-0ad7-46a6-ad43-27e304a95757%22%2C%22ce14d9b7-92c3-450b-9779-2bb731c5aefc%22%2C%2240711d01-d4ee-4b60-99f9-6b5ad11d5e52%22%5D&limit=24 1548.4067909999999

At ./server/infra/database/GrowerAccountRepository.ts, function getByFilter(), lines 281-333

Some hints:

SuspenseFallback commented 10 months ago

This happens on this API request:

GET /v2/growers?organization_id=%5B"db741b6d-a8a7-47eb-87f0-976240ee2957"%2C"8b353fbe-0ad7-46a6-ad43-27e304a95757"%2C"ce14d9b7-92c3-450b-9779-2bb731c5aefc"%2C"40711d01-d4ee-4b60-99f9-6b5ad11d5e52"%5D&limit=24