GreenwoodLab / funtooNorm

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Gender inference using chromosome Y incorrect #46

Open DanielEWeeks opened 2 years ago

DanielEWeeks commented 2 years ago

We recently ran a data set consisting of all women through funtooNorm and it incorrectly told us they were all males. This is because the gender-inference code based on chromosome Y methylation levels is set up backwards.

In Wang et al (2021), we see that the gender-inference should be based on this approach:

"The Y chromosome: the identified sex-associated CpG sites of males are highly methylated with beta values greater than 0.6 whereas females exhibited low methylation signals"

Wang Y, Hannon E, Grant OA, Gorrie-Stone TJ, Kumari M, Mill J, Zhai X, McDonald-Maier KD, Schalkwyk LC. DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predict sex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy. BMC Genomics. 2021 Jun 28;22(1):484. DOI:

However, the funtooNorm code is identifying as males those with median chromosome Y beta values less than 0.6 (Note also that 'sex' needs to be coded as 0 and 1 or 0=FALSE=female; 1=TRUE = male):

              ###### this part deal with chrY
                                                    object@signal$BchrY))<0.6                    <= FIX: >=0.6
                  message("we found ",sum(mens)," men and ",sum(!mens),
                          " women in your data set base on Y probes only")
                      message("There is ",sum(mens)," men and ",
                              sum(!mens)," women")
              # no correction for women
              if(1<sum(mens)){                                                                   <= FIX: 1<=sum(mens)