Before you were able to view every map you've favorited in-game, but after the recent update it only shows the most recent 100 maps that are favorited.
I can still view the maps in-game through the local play tab, but it will only show 96 maps depending on how I sort it; by Dates favorited Ascending/Descending, and by Names Ascending/Descending.
I'm hoping there's a fix for this in the future, or maybe a way I can log every map I've favorited into a text document. There's allot of maps I've favorited (700+) that I plan to come back to in the future, so I'd love a way to find them again later on.
Before you were able to view every map you've favorited in-game, but after the recent update it only shows the most recent 100 maps that are favorited.
I can still view the maps in-game through the local play tab, but it will only show 96 maps depending on how I sort it; by Dates favorited Ascending/Descending, and by Names Ascending/Descending.
I'm hoping there's a fix for this in the future, or maybe a way I can log every map I've favorited into a text document. There's allot of maps I've favorited (700+) that I plan to come back to in the future, so I'd love a way to find them again later on.
Thanks for your time :D