GregEremeev / rosreestr-api

Toolset to work with and
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PKK5 #1

Closed davidszakonyi closed 4 years ago

davidszakonyi commented 4 years ago

Great tool! Quick question - I keep getting timeout errors using the PKK5RosreestrAPIClient. I assume this is a problem with the Rosreestr API. Have you had success using the client with the PKK5 API recently?

GregEremeev commented 4 years ago

@davidszakonyi Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see the notification.

I assume this is a problem with the Rosreestr API.

Yeah, it depends on the Rorsreestr's app. You can decrease the number of requests to avoid such errors.

Have you had success using the client with the PKK5 API recently?

Kind of. I was able to use it but after I understood that PKK5 API uses a special type of coordinate system I changed my approach.

You can notice it if you compare it with yandex maps

1000kw commented 4 years ago

Why this requests, formed by PKK5RosreestrAPIClient dont work?

GregEremeev commented 4 years ago

@1000kw please use a new issue to describe your problem.

I've just checked the server It seems that they changed API.

pplevar commented 4 years ago

@1000kw please use a new issue to describe your problem.

I've just checked the server It seems that they changed API.

Will you support new API?

GregEremeev commented 4 years ago

@pplevar it depends on the users of this library. If there is a decent amount of people who will need it then I can do it. In another way, you can just create PR on your own.

GregEremeev commented 4 years ago

The problem is fixed. You can use 0.3.4 version.