GregTech-Intergalactical / GregTech

The Approved Continuation, Rewrite and Re-envisioning of GregTech 5
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[1.18.2][Fabric][Sodium] Machine render not work #133

Closed JustInk-Soul closed 1 month ago

JustInk-Soul commented 1 year ago

Minecraft version: 1.18.2 + Fabric 0.14.9


2022-10-16_16 54 51

Remove Sodium

2022-10-16_13 56 07


TesseractAPI 0.1 AntimatterAPI 0.1 GregTech Intergalactical 0.1 Modern Industrialization 1.2.2 RoughlyEnoughItems 8.3.549 Iris Shaders 1.4.0 Ksyxis 1.1 Language Reload 1.2.1 LazyDFU 0.1.2 Sodium 0.4.1+build.15 Indium 1.0.7 Architectury 4.9.84 Cloth-Config 6.4.90 Fabric Language Kotlin 1.8.4+kotlin.1.7.20 Fabric API 0.59.0



Trinsdar commented 1 year ago

I am pretty sure i already fixed this issue in dev, except for lighting, lighting still doesn't always work with sodium