GregTechCE / GregTech

GregTech rewrite for modern versions of Minecraft
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] TFC salt water change texture when gregtech installed #1561

Open Exzept1on opened 3 years ago

Exzept1on commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug TFC salt water change texture when gregtech installed

Versions Forge: 2855 GTCE: gregtech-1.12.2- Modpack: TerraFirmaGreg, but i test with GregTech and TerraFirmaCraft only.

Setup In all worlds, single or multi

Steps To Reproduce 1) Install Gregtech + TFC. 2) Enter the world

Screenshots TerraFirmaCraft salt water with Gregtech: TerraFirmaCraft salt water without Gregtech:

Primitive-Human commented 3 years ago

This happens if both fluids have the same fluid ID and since GTCE loads earlier than TFC, GTCE's fluid version gets used instead of TFC's salt water. Atleast that's what happens here I assume.

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

Fixed in GTCEu

Exaxxion commented 2 years ago

You do realize that GTCEu is a completely separate project and not this one, right? The issue would still exist here.