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Dimension markers from GTAddon Monazite #1481

Closed DancingSnow0517 closed 6 days ago

DancingSnow0517 commented 1 week ago


Add dimension markers to show oreveins with gtnh style.

Not registered dimension will show with barrier item and its dimension resource location.

Add a config option showDimensionTier to decide whether to add tier text in orevein widget.

Can use kubejs startup scripts to register new dimension marker.

example kubejs script

GTCEuStartupEvents.registry('gtceu:dimension_marker', event => {
    event.create('ad_astra:moon')  // the resource location for the dim
        .tier(1)  // the tier in the dim
        .icon('minecraft:dirt')  // the shown item in orevein widget
        .overrideName('Moon')  // nullable, the name will show on orevein widget, can be a translate key

Additional Information
