GregTechCEu / GregTech-Modern

GregTech CE Unofficial for modern versions
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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The recipe type GUI editor crashes #1483

Open dustiit opened 6 days ago

dustiit commented 6 days ago

Checked for existing issues

Tested latest version

GregTech CEu Version


Recipe Viewer Installed




Cross-Mod Interaction


Other Installed Mods


Expected Behavior

can open new recipetype gui edit

Actual Behavior

after registry new recipe type in kjs file and edit its gui in game the game crash immediately

Steps to Reproduce

tried to remove other files contain other recipetype only remain one of them, every functions are normal

Additional Information

latest.log this is the log

dustiit commented 6 days ago

it perhaps caused by ldlibs but have no idea whats wrong and how to fix it

redgoblin88 commented 6 days ago

could you provide a copy of the kjs scripts?

dustiit commented 6 days ago

could you provide a copy of the kjs scripts?

sure, this is the file include structure and recipe type

// priority: 5 GTCEuStartupEvents.registry('gtceu:machine', event => { event.create('high_precision_chemical_plant', 'multiblock') .rotationState(RotationState.NON_Y_AXIS) .recipeTypes('large_chemical_reactor', 'high_precision_chemical_plant') .recipeModifiers([GTRecipeModifiers.PARALLEL_HATCH, GTRecipeModifiers.ELECTRIC_OVERCLOCK.apply(OverclockingLogic.NON_PERFECT_OVERCLOCK)]) .pattern(definition => FactoryBlockPattern.start() .aisle('A A A', 'AAAAAAAAA', 'A A A', 'AAAAAAAAA', 'A A A') .aisle('AAAAAAAAA', 'ABBBBBBBA', 'ACCCCCCCA', 'ABBBBBBBA', 'AAAAAAAAA') .aisle('A A A', 'ACCCCCCCA', 'ABBBBBBBA', 'ACCCCCCCA', 'A A A') .aisle('AAAAAAAAA', 'ABBBBBBBA', 'ACCCCCCCA', 'ABBBBBBBA', 'AAAAAAAAA') .aisle('A A A', 'AAAAcAAAA', 'A A A', 'AAAAAAAAA', 'A A A') .where('c', Predicates.controller(Predicates.blocks(definition.get()))) .where('A', Predicates.blocks('mbe:high_precise_inert_casing') .or(Predicates.abilities(PartAbility.IMPORT_ITEMS).setMaxGlobalLimited(2)) .or(Predicates.abilities(PartAbility.EXPORT_ITEMS).setMaxGlobalLimited(1)) .or(Predicates.abilities(PartAbility.IMPORT_FLUIDS).setMaxGlobalLimited(2)) .or(Predicates.abilities(PartAbility.INPUT_LASER).setMaxGlobalLimited(1)) .or(Predicates.abilities(PartAbility.PARALLEL_HATCH).setMaxGlobalLimited(1))) .where('B', Predicates.blocks('gtceu:ptfe_pipe_casing')) .where('C', Predicates.blocks(GTBlocks.COIL_TRITANIUM.get())) .where("#", Predicates.any()) .build()) .workableCasingRenderer( "mbe:block/high_precise_inert_casing", "gtceu:block/machines/chemical_reactor", false ) }) GTCEuStartupEvents.registry('gtceu:recipe_type', event => { event.create('high_precision_chemical_plant') .category('high_precision_chemical_plant') .setEUIO('in') .setMaxIOSize(16, 16, 16, 16) .setSlotOverlay(false, false, GuiTextures.SOLIDIFIER_OVERLAY) .setProgressBar(GuiTextures.PROGRESS_BAR_ARROW_MULTIPLE, FillDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) .setSound(GTSoundEntries.CHEMICAL) })

dustiit commented 6 days ago

i put every structures and recipe type like this but the difference is i didn't registry other type of catogery, which means now I only have 'high_precise_chemical_plant'