GregTechCEu / GregTech-Modern

GregTech CE Unofficial for modern versions
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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"holding" item in gregtech GUI breaks rendering #820

Open redgoblin88 opened 5 months ago

redgoblin88 commented 5 months ago

GregTech CEu Version


Recipe Viewer Installed




Cross-Mod Interaction


Expected Behavior

When you have any GUI open (primitive blast furnace, assemblers, crates, tanks e.c.t.) if you left click an item so you are "holding" it in your cursor, that has a 3d model (for example of tested block items so far: chest, scaffolding and composter) , you will notice this held item will render the model "inverted" or the back faces in front of the front faces

Actual Behavior

for no broken rendering? so the back faces dont render in the front? not sure what else to say

Steps to Reproduce

have an item in your inventory that has a 3d model render

open up any gui that is from gregtech, such as any of the machines or storage

"hold" the item in your hand and notice how the front textures get replaced with the back

Additional Information

note: this also occurs to gregtech 3d models too, such as the "super tank"

vanilla blocks seen here (images stitched together so you dont have to scroll):


redgoblin88 commented 5 months ago

Thought i would show what happens if you hold them items inside of a vanilla container, in this case its inside of a vanilla chest gui


a-a-GiTHuB-a-a commented 5 months ago

I think you flopped "expected" and "actual" behavior.