GregTechCEu / GregTech-Modern

GregTech CE Unofficial for modern versions
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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GT Machines not recognized as catalysts in EMI tree #977

Closed steph-lion closed 3 months ago

steph-lion commented 4 months ago

Checked for existing issues

Tested latest version

GregTech CEu Version


Recipe Viewer Installed




Cross-Mod Interaction


Other Installed Mods

Nomifactory Modern modpack

Expected Behavior

When using tree recipe, the machine should be visible as a catalyst

Actual Behavior

When using something like a Wiremill to create wires, the tree on EMI doesn't show the icon/model for the machine used. It only shows the name when hovered. image image

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Click on aluminum wire
  2. Check for the recipe with the wiremill and press the tree icon
  3. No machine shown in the tree

Additional Information

Already reported on EMI repo, it says that it's GT's "fault".

Arborsm commented 3 months ago

it's render issue with Embeddium

embeddedt commented 3 months ago

This does not appear to be an Embeddium bug. I can reproduce it without as well if use-batched-renderer is disabled in config/emi.css. Embeddium likely triggers the issue because EMI automatically disables the batching renderer with it present.

Leclowndu93150 commented 3 months ago

My last guess is ImediatelyFast

embeddedt commented 3 months ago

Nope, tested in a standalone instance with just GregTech+EMI and could reproduce.

Arborsm commented 3 months ago

This does not appear to be an Embeddium bug. I can reproduce it without as well if use-batched-renderer is disabled in config/emi.css. Embeddium likely triggers the issue because EMI automatically disables the batching renderer with it present.

odd? last time I tried GregTech+EMI it was rendering normally.

Arborsm commented 3 months ago

oops, wrong reply

Arborsm commented 3 months ago

Nope, tested in a standalone instance with just GregTech+EMI and could reproduce.

image hm?

embeddedt commented 3 months ago

You need to disable the batched renderer in EMI as I mentioned above.

Leclowndu93150 commented 3 months ago

do i need to enable it back in my modpack ?

Arborsm commented 3 months ago

Embeddium likely triggers the issue because EMI automatically disables the batching renderer with it present.

my bad, I didn't notice the last sentence ><

steph-lion commented 3 months ago

Any news? What's the fix for this then?

steph-lion commented 3 months ago

It seems that new EMI's release fixed this problem. Update EMI mod.

screret commented 3 months ago

thanks for that info