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ME Hatch/Bus #1720

Closed GlodBlock closed 11 months ago

GlodBlock commented 1 year ago


Add the ME input/output hatch/bus. The ME output hatch/bus can directly send outputs from multiblock to ME network. The ME input hatch/bus allows multiblock to fetch fluids/items from ME storage.

Additional Information

The ME output hatch/bus has infinite capacity before connecting to ME network. The only way to extract their contents is using AE, no manually transfer allowed. The multiblock will work as if fluid(item) void is on when ME output hatch(bus) is installed.

PrototypeTrousers commented 11 months ago

looks good to me 🤞🏻 🙏🏻

PrototypeTrousers commented 11 months ago

image placing a cable before the bus allows it to connect from other sides. and upon reload of the world : image

PrototypeTrousers commented 11 months ago

currently breaking the hatches busses voids the items/fluids inside. is this intended ?

PrototypeTrousers commented 11 months ago

JEI ghost dragging does not work currently

GlodBlock commented 11 months ago

image placing a cable before the bus allows it to connect from other sides. and upon reload of the world : image


GlodBlock commented 11 months ago

currently breaking the hatches busses voids the items/fluids inside. is this intended ?

now they will try to put their buffer back to me storage when harvested. the item/fluids fail to insert will be voided.

GlodBlock commented 11 months ago

JEI ghost dragging does not work currently


ghzdude commented 11 months ago

now they will try to put their buffer back to me storage when harvested. the item/fluids fail to insert will be voided.

I feel like if they can't be inserted into the network, they should be dropped as items instead of being voided.

I also feel like an AE cable should connect to any side of the ME Hatch/Bus instead of only the front face, which would match the logic of the other hatches/busses.

Also, instead of a popup window to change the configured item amount, you could use something like the item filter slots where you can scroll to increase/decrease the amount (as well as showing the configured amount on the item). If that's not possible, then you could close the popup window when the user presses "enter" to confirm the amount or when the text field has lost focus. image

GlodBlock commented 11 months ago

I feel like if they can't be inserted into the network, they should be dropped as items instead of being voided.

player: break a offline bus with billions items in it server: die of cringe

I also feel like an AE cable should connect to any side of the ME Hatch/Bus instead of only the front face, which would match the logic of the other hatches/busses.

since it has a front face, ae cables should only connects that side, otherwise it can be misleading.

Also, instead of a popup window to change the configured item amount, you could use something like the item filter slots where you can scroll to increase/decrease the amount (as well as showing the configured amount on the item). If that's not possible, then you could close the popup window when the user presses "enter" to confirm the amount or when the text field has lost focus.

item filter cover even can't set item amounts. do you mean ae2 interface?

ghzdude commented 11 months ago

player: break a offline bus with billions items in it server: die of cringe

i mean, it's not that much different from breaking a drawer network. :^) but you could also store the item/fluid in the ME bus/hatch as NBT as an alternative

since it has a front face, ae cables should only connects that side, otherwise it can be misleading.

I/O busses/hatches also have front faces, and yet can be interacted with on any side (the front faces just have the ability to pull/push automatically). The ME bus/hatch would be the only multiblock part that doesn't follow this rule. (it's not really that big of an issue, though)

item filter cover even can't set item amounts. do you mean ae2 interface?

i was referring to the item filter while in a robot arm, but it's similar to the config slots of the AE interface as well.

ghzdude commented 11 months ago

Thanks for allowing the scroll-wheel to modify the item amount in the ME bus, but could you also make ctrl+scroll double/half like what you can do in the ME interface? Also, could you implement the same kind of scrolling to the ME hatches as well?

One more thing, could you show the configured item/fluid amount on the slot? Right now nothing is displayed, requiring to click on the item/fluid to see it's configured amount image

GlodBlock commented 11 months ago

Thanks for allowing the scroll-wheel to modify the item amount in the ME bus, but could you also make ctrl+scroll double/half like what you can do in the ME interface? Also, could you implement the same kind of scrolling to the ME hatches as well?

One more thing, could you show the configured item/fluid amount on the slot? Right now nothing is displayed, requiring to click on the item/fluid to see it's configured amount image

all fixed now